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i3 to Tom Tom One?

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Joined: May 01, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:55 am    Post subject: i3 to Tom Tom One? Reply with quote

I've had my i3 for about 3-4 months now and I'm thinking of giving it to my brother and getting a Tom Tom One. The main reason is that I'm frustrated with the i3's thinking. I know that Sat Nav's aren't perfect, but it does insist on taking me some ridiculous ways to places and has a clear phobia with the M6 toll (yes I've checked the toll settings).

Do you think it is worth the move. Will I get a better experience from a Tom Tom. Is there chip any better? Can I really expect any Sat Nav to send me around the M25 the best way? i3 insists on directing me past the airports when there is 0.3 miles in it if I go through Dartford.

Advise before tomorrow anyone?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I don't think you'd be disappointed with a Tom Tom One - and it has a newer generation of chipset that's better for reception and speed, than the i3.

Of course, it's a fair deal more expensive than the i3, but I've not heard anything of note about the TT One in the way of complaints.

One thing to note, there is a new model / version of it, that's recently been released. I don't know what the differences are, nor whether they are significant.

Although I own an i3, if I buy another sat nav in the near future, it will be a TT One.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:15 pm    Post subject: i3 and Tom Tom 1 Reply with quote

I own an i3 but my daughter recently decided to buy a Tom Tom 1. She wanted a bigger screen than the i3, and she liked the idea of being able to use a touch screen rather than the wheel of the i3.

Since her purchase I have had an opportunity to use both and compare them. In my view it is down to personal preference. There are pros and cons to each. As Lester said the TT is certainly faster. If you take a wrong turn there is none of the "re-calculating"; it just does it immediately without any apparent time gap. The downside, if it is a downside, is that it is therefore not always obvious that you have taken a wrong turn.

The i3 and TT are a little different in the terminology they use. Whichever one you use it takes a while I guess to get used to it. This may have been a problem for my daughter at first because she was so used to sitting in my car listening to the i3, that it took her a while to learn the new language of the TT. She got lost a couple of times with the TT until she got used to it. As far as routes go I suspect all sat navs can be a bit quirky in their own way.

For myself I will be sticking with the i3. I don't like the bulk and weight of the TT or its intrusiveness on the windscreen. I don't find the wheel or the smaller screen of the i3 a problem. I tend to rely heavily on voice direction with occasional glances to the screen and have found this to work ok as I have become more used to the unit and practised. I have found the i3's lightness/compactness really valuable when travelling abroad by plane and using it in rental cars.

As I say I think it is down to personal preference.

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