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What Speed Camera Detection should I buy for my iPAQ & T

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:00 pm    Post subject: What Speed Camera Detection should I buy for my iPAQ & T Reply with quote


I have just bought 5 x HP iPAQ 5550’s each with TT Nav2 S/W and Bluetooth receivers. One is for myself and the others for my sales managers. However, not only would I like them to get to where they are going without getting lost, I would also like to help them avoid every drivers nightmare the ubiquitous speed camera.

I have been reading some of the posts from this site (excellent by the way, thanks) and I am more informed but not yet convinced!

The iPaq’s run Pocket Windows 2003 – So I gather that rules out GPS Assist?

Of the others that I know about (Checkpoint & POI – Warner) which is best and why?

What about Trafcam? Is this the same technology as the above even though it is a subscription service?

Is there anything else? Are there any in car hardware radar detectors that integrate with TT Nav 2?

Then to updates. Pocket GPS appears to integrate to many of these programs but why not use the subscription service that they provide. I read a comment about Pocket GPS being the most accurate….sorry to be cynical but why, please convince me and I’ll use it.

OK so I am asking you a lot but any help you can give would be seriously appreciated. Personal views, advice, help or pointing me in the right direction all gratefully received!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Should have added, "what ever S/W you recommend, what version?" Checkpoint 3 seems less stable than 2 for example.

And seeing as I've asked everything else, how do you get rid of relatives at Christmas?!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try CheckPOInt 2.0.2 from the downloads page of this site. There's still problems with version 3.2 when used with the PocketGPS database - at least as far as submitting new and changed POIs back to PocketGPS goes. It's also seemingly impossible to get rid of the POIplace details once you've entered them in CheckPOInt 3 - at least, I haven't yet figured out how, and it's not in any of the obvious or even less obvious places.

Team that with the PocketGPS database (either a manual download, or preferably install the latest version of POIedit and use the synchronisation facility), and you should be all set. If you later choose something different, it's not as if it has cost you anything other than a little time.

The 5550 is a nice machine by all accounts - albeit overkill for navigation (which would work just as well on a 2210). Of course, you may have other applications in mind for the 5550 as well; one advantage of a Pocket PC based system is that it can do so much more than one of the dedicated units for a similar expenditure.

One thing that does come to mind - some decent screen protectors will probably help. I use Pocket PC Techs' WriteSHIELD on my 3970, which has, I believe, exactly the same screen as a 5550. Quite apart from protecting the screen, they make it somewhat anti-reflective, which is useful in-car. The deluxe packs contain a really good cleaning spray and cloths that I also use on flat panel monitors, including the expensive Dell flat panel monitor on my workstation.

You'd probably get away with one pack to two machines, as each contains three protectors - in fact, two packs for the five machines you'd got will leave you with one spare. They're available in the UK from Expansys. Or, for a direct link to the deluxe pack for 3000/5000 series iPAQs, click here.

(who has no connection with any companies mentioned, other than as a satisfied customer)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'll try that for a start and see how I get on. Thanks for the tip on screen protectors too.

I chose the 5550 rather than the 2210 because a) I understand the screen is larger and b) I am looking to use some other apps and thought I'd get the most up to date and powerfull machines possible.

I currently have a 3850 with Navman 3000 jacket with TT nav 2 S/W and I've found it brilliant....when the navman gets a fix which takes far too long!

I am passing it off to another employee! (who otherwise wouldn't have got one!!) and I am getting one of the new ones. I'll be trying it out tomorrow for the first time, I hope it is an improvement.

Thanks once again

Any other hints, tips, advice, etc from any other readers, again, much appreciated.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The iPAQ 5550 is a great machine, and I might upgrade to one myself. I'm having problems with the weight of my current iPAQ 3970 / PC Card Expansion Pack Plus setup (the hazards of being seriously ill).

I'm not sure the screen size makes that much difference - the 2210 screen isn't that much smaller. As you're looking to use other applications than TomTom Navigator 2, the 5550 seems a good choice - I was unclear from your original post whether these machines were just going to be used for Navigator 2; if so, the cheaper 2210 should perform just as well. Anyway, I think you've bought some great Pocket PCs, and I hope they work out really well for you.

One more thing comes to mind - seeing as you already have a 3850. I wouldn't just install software you have on your 3850 on the 5550, unless you've upgraded the 3850 to Pocket PC 2003. Quite a few programs do require upgrades for the new Pocket PC version. Certainly I'd start by hunting down the latest versions of the programs you own; you may even discover the upgrades are free! Obviously this isn't an issue if you don't have any third-party software, but it seems worth mentioning.

Sprite Backup, even Sprite Backup Premium Edition may be worthwhile too. Because you've got iPAQ Backup in your 5550 from the factory (which is also by Sprite, albeit with fewer features), you can have the standard edition for US$5 a copy (it used to be free, but not any more) and the premium edition for US$10 a copy - in both cases you have to add VAT. You can check that out here.

Be aware that many programs, including Sprite Backup, activate against the owner name of the Pocket PC. That means you've got to be really careful if you're going to buy a copy for everyone! TomTom Navigator 2 is a bit different - it uses the hardware ID of the Pocket PC for activation.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the advice David

I did have a load of free products on the 3850 but a recent power problem (I forgot to put it on charge!) coinciding with a fatal PC HD crash meant I lost the lot anyway. I had stupidly not backed up the ipaq backup on the HD, when I lost the HD and the ipaq at the same time I was back to factory settings!

Since then I have only installed the basics and TT2.

Here's to a crash free 2004...and pigs might fly!

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