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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:55 am Post subject: i3 WAAS or GPS norm.
i understand the difference, the question is:
have any of you used both settings long enough to compare each, on its own merits, from a day to day end user prospective.
i changed to waas a few days ago and seemed to notice a difference in prompt distances and dare i say slight changes in the map when navigating on known familiar routes.
the later i still think was possibly my imagination.
Yes - stick with WAAS/EGNOS - it's more accurate. Period.
There may be a slight reduction in life if on battery power, rather than 12v.
Yes it may be more accurate - but that will only really make any difference in progress on a road, or being just past a junction - because the i3 will snap you to the road if you're within a certain proximity.
I've spent good periods with both EGNOS turned on, and on normal. And I found nothing conclusive or helpful about having EGNOS on - no better detection if you haven't adherred to a route and have taken a slip road rather than the main route - and vice versa.
No obvious advantages if ignoring a turning and having it detect it any quicker.
I did find that it calculated some rather funky routes with EGNOS switched on, that it did differently when set to normal.
Plus, if you use batteries, then you are likely going to go through them quicker.
I found no advantage to using it - I think that with the i3 snapping you to the road, it's a rather pointless option.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:22 am Post subject:
there's a cross roads near us - i'll try draw what it's like...
|------------------------ i want to turn onto this road
driving up (from bottom to top on my lovely map - any jobs navteq?!) and wanting to take the turning AFTER the crossroads it displays the red arrow correctly bu just before the cross roads, at X, it says 'turn right' which will send you down the wrong road unless you are watching the screen. however, with WAAS/EGNOS turned on it tells me to turn right at 'Y' which is correct.
i can only presume that just before X is a bit of a dead spot and signal is lost as you slow down for traffic lights but because of lack of signal it thinks you're still driving at the same speed and assumes you're already at the turning before you actually are. but with WAAS/EGNOS it can calulate your position better due to the extra signals and gives you the correct position/turning.
Joined: Mar 01, 2006 Posts: 42 Location: Cheshire, UK
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:34 am Post subject:
I now leave my i3 set to WAAS on the basis that, in certain circumstances, the accuracy may benefit route selection at certain locations. Satellite aquisition and route selection seems to be just as fast as on 'Normal' GPS mode.
If it's available and more accurate, why not use it?
Well kudos for experiencing something worthwhile from EGNOS - I tried using it for some time - and there were bits of road near where I live, where there seemed to be some lag in my positioning on the map, I tried EGNOS to see if I could perceive any difference, and I'm not convinced either way - I'm not sure if there was any tangible difference, or if any marginal difference was imagined or not.
I'd agree, that if you have scenarios like you've shown, it quite possibly may be of benefit, but I personally didn't.
As I said, though, I did find some wierd routes with it on - and turning it off, and recalculating the route cleared it up.
I wanted to believe it was of benefit - because it seemed like an improvement to have, but I suspect unless you've got a scenario like yours - with close junctions and a secondary turning, you may not notice at all.
Then it comes down to whether it introduces any oddities in routing, tangible lags to screen updates, and whether it does actually have any noticable impact on battery life for those that just use batteries.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:46 am Post subject:
lester, i should also point out that this is the only place i've noticed a difference! however, if i leave it turned on then in unfamiliar places it may be doing the same for me without me even knowing.
lester, i should also point out that this is the only place i've noticed a difference! however, if i leave it turned on then in unfamiliar places it may be doing the same for me without me even knowing.
To be honest, I probably had it (EGNOS) turned on for the longer period, than running on normal.
The icing on the cake for me, was finding being sent on several really odd routes, that in the last instance reverted to more sensible, when I recalculated with normal GPS reception.
That was on v7 mapping, though, I haven't used it for more than a couple of days whilst on v8 maps - and that was merely because I couldn't detect any differences on the routes I was doing, and my previous experience of wierd routes with EGNOS turned on, has made me more favour normal rather than EGNOS.
And personally, for anything quite unusual or closely spaced, I do tend to take a quick peek at the screen to clarify.
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15356 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:55 am Post subject:
Lester_Burnham wrote:
And personally, for anything quite unusual or closely spaced, I do tend to take a quick peek at the screen to clarify.
in the example i gave above the 2 roads are about 250m apart... not really that close, which is why i think there must have been some kind of loss of signal rather than it just thinking the roads are very close.
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