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Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 12 Location: SE London
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:47 pm Post subject: Any chance I can "merge" the files into speed limi
I'm running out of available POI's on my TT software v5.4xxx and would like to have JUST the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, mobile and variable speed cameras loaded. Any ideas how I go about this.
While I'm here, the TomTom pre-loaded POIs (and some other downloaded ones) don't seem to be editable, is there anyway that I can change this to make them editable e.g. add to them or delete incorrect entries?
Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:52 am Post subject: Re: Any chance I can "merge" the files into speed
jkljkl6 wrote:
I'm running out of available POI's on my TT software v5.4xxx and would like to have JUST the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, mobile and variable speed cameras loaded. Any ideas how I go about this.
You can use POIEdit or POIConverter to merge OV2 Files. You will need to use a common BMP File to match the new OV2 Filenames.
jkljkl6 wrote:
While I'm here, the TomTom pre-loaded POIs (and some other downloaded ones) don't seem to be editable, is there anyway that I can change this to make them editable e.g. add to them or delete incorrect entries?
It's a legal grey area, as it is part of the Map Data supplied by TeleAtlas. Someone reported that they could edit it with the latest version of POIEdit!
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 19991 Location: West and Southwest London
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:46 pm Post subject: Re: Any chance I can "merge" the files into speed
jkljkl6 wrote:
I'm running out of available POI's on my TT software v5.4xxx and would like to have JUST the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, mobile and variable speed cameras loaded
Do you actually want to merge files? If so then Oldboy's links are what you need.
However. It sounds like you may be happy with a combination of some of the speed-zoned files and some of the combined files from the "camera types" download.
...which reduces the categories used from 23 down to 12.
Even easier, if you really don't want the redlight, specs etc. warnings, just leave those filesjust some of the camera types, in which case just leave those files off.
Joined: Aug 21, 2005 Posts: 617 Location: Gloucester UK
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:29 pm Post subject:
Hi Everyone, I only use the single file, all cameras, that would save even more categories. Personally I think If a speed camera is up ahead, and your Sat Nav warns you of A CAMERA, and you slow down to the limit, if you are over it. It doesnt realy matter what type it is. So why do you guys download all these categories, what is the advantage/disadvantage of just a single categories, against many categories? _________________ Audi A3 Sline sat nav
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 12 Location: SE London
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:51 pm Post subject:
Firstly Thanks OldBoy, POI Edit has helped, I merged the some of the other POI's I had which freed up the room for a selection of the various files. Any idea how I delete duplicate entries, other than selecting each file and deleting them individually (I now have over 11,000 pubs listed)??
For anyone's interest the files I use now are:
pocketgps_uk_gatso_ - Full range of limits...
pocketgps_uk_specs.ov2 - again over the full range
In answer to Tanda's question there's a few reasons why I like the limits mentioned:
If I'm in an area I don't know (especially in towns) the speed limits can go up and down like a yoyo.
I also like the Specs cameras with the speed limit as these you have to stay within the limit for a period of time (as you are measured over a distance).
Temp cameras tend to have the speed limit sign posted HUGELY all over the place so there's no excuse for not knowing.
I also have a different warning sound for mobiles as this entails police vans watching out for a multitude of sins, not just speeding (no driving with your hands behind your head and your feet out the window then?).
Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:29 pm Post subject:
jkljkl6 wrote:
Firstly Thanks OldBoy, POI Edit has helped, I merged the some of the other POI's I had which freed up the room for a selection of the various files. Any idea how I delete duplicate entries, other than selecting each file and deleting them individually (I now have over 11,000 pubs listed)??
You could try a program called POI Manager from Oldie's website. It works for me.
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