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Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras
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Do you agree with hiding fixed speed cameras?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:19 pm    Post subject: Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras Reply with quote

Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras

David Jamieson, the Government Minister responsible for road safety, has challenged anti-camera groups to provide evidence of cameras that did not meet Government deployment guidelines (fixed cameras are installed at accident ‘black-spots’ where four or more serious road accidents have occurred over a three year period) and has promised to have them removed.

Why then has it been announced that there are plans in place to relax those very guidelines? No longer will it be necessary to make fixed cameras obvious; it will even be allowable to hide them. Is this the rebirth of the much hated fixed 'sniper' camera?

Richard Brunstrom, the Chief Constable of North Wales Police, claims that many more lives would be saved if there were more flexibility in where cameras can be sited. He said: "Parents often write to us and ask us to put a camera outside a school because the traffic is so dangerous. It’s very difficult to write back and say, 'Please let us know when your son is killed and then we can consider putting a camera there.'"

The government appear to be aware of a possible backlash if local authorities returned to the bad old days when it seemed that every camera was hidden behind a tree and just out to earn money, not to save lives.

Can local authorities be trusted with this new freedom? Will they be tempted into overuse? Will they risk losing the trust of motorists?

Last edited by RobBrady on Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with 'stealth' cameras, IF they are used responsibably and not as simple revenu generators.

In another poll, 'do you speed' everyone who posted agreed that speeds around kids should be redived (schools at 20MPH). IF stealth cameras are used to protect pedestrians and enforce these acceptable limits then they are a good thing.

In some countries (I believe at least NZ, Oz and Germany) they have 'wheelibin cameras' on school runs to get speeding motorists. A good thing?

Of course, I know that the cameras will appear in this DB and I'll have the warnings on my TT so what do I care?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

acmp wrote:

In another poll, 'do you speed' everyone who posted agreed that speeds around kids should be redived (schools at 20MPH). IF stealth cameras are used to protect pedestrians and enforce these acceptable limits then they are a good thing.

Of course, I know that the cameras will appear in this DB and I'll have the warnings on my TT so what do I care?

The cameras should be clearly visible as a deterrent to cause motorists to slow down.
If the camera is hidden where is the deterrent??? Surely it is much better to prevent an accident or death than to simply raise revenue from a hidden camera.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a Gatso near Greenfield, North Wales (DB entry 1113, 30mph) what is immediately behind a bridge. It has been painted fluoro yellow but if you are doing a few mph over the limit, it is quite likely that you would miss it (no worry with the SCDB and TT).
I know all about Richard Brunstrom as I work and live in North Wales, and this particular Gatso is used again and again as an example of a badly placed camera.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

icsys wrote:

The cameras should be clearly visible as a deterrent to cause motorists to slow down.
If the camera is hidden where is the deterrent???

The deterant is 'you don't know where they are so drive appropriately.

icsys wrote:
Surely it is much better to prevent an accident or death than to simply raise revenue from a hidden camera.

I agree totally.

The thing here is two fold, as I see it. Firstly the cameras a not always used for safety. And secondly there are far to many motorists who just speed because they can, they don't think about what they are doing.

We all seem to agree that you should slow down nesr schos and such. But most also don't consider doing 40 after 10pm in a town/village to be dangerous.

But what about people leaving the pub? is it ok to run them over as they step into the road?

Or what about that village om the A road you' using? you can't know where all the schools are.

But if you knew that there were cameras you couldn't see you'd have to drive 'slower'.

I admit that I'm playing devils advacate here. I hope that all new cameras are scocially acceptable and motorists are respectful of both the limits and conditions. And a good lottery win would be nice too.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:48 am    Post subject: Re: Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras Reply with quote

robbrady wrote:
Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras

Richard Brunstrom, the Chief Constable of North Wales Police, claims that many more lives would be saved if there were more flexibility in where cameras can be sited. He said: "Parents often write to us and ask us to put a camera outside a school because the traffic is so dangerous. It’s very difficult to write back and say, 'Please let us know when your son is killed and then we can consider putting a camera there.'"

I hope Brunstrom never has to say " I am sorry but your child was killed just after we camouflaged the speed camera so we could attract more revenue" The yellow warns people of danger areas and slows them down. It does not matter what their motives are, as long as they slow down.
Too many people "search for the zero inside themselves". Sadly, many fail to find even that.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess I'm in the minority here but...

[this is not a go at anyone, just my thoughts]

Why do you need a yellow camera to tell you that a residential through road has kids playing and you should slow down. Isn't that what your brain is for?

We don't want a nanny state and the way to avoid it is to use some common sense. I'm fed up with red tarmac and excessive signs/paint on the road. There are enough sensible rules to keep things safe. As I drive home from work I pass a cross roads sign. Then you get the paint, red tarmac and chevrons for the morons who didn't see the sign and overtake into the cars that are pulling out (I know they shouldn't pull out, but they do, that's why I don't overtake there). The problem is those who chose to drive badly. Give them tickets and take their licences away.

Here's a question. If the cameras were hidden and you didn't have any warning as to where they were. Would you still speed? how about past a school, playground, residential street, town center? If you say yes then, IMO, you don't deserve a driving license.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:28 pm    Post subject: The Association of British Drivers Reply with quote

Here is a site which hasn't yet appeared on here. It has some good links for all sorts of Motoring Issues. www.abd.org.uk
Here is their quote about camo cams.
"The government is threatening road safety by proposing to allow speed cameras to be camoflaged so as to make them harder to spot. This will only force drivers to spend more time looking out for them rather than paying attention to real hazards.
Worse still, they are proposing to allow cameras to be placed where there have been no accidents. They are giving the safety camera partnerships a licence to print money.
The proposals represent a serious step backwards and show that government simply cannot be trusted to keep its word."

And The Times newspaper report is here http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2045689,00.html
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras Reply with quote

robbrady wrote:
Shot by a Sniper? Camouflaged Cameras
Can local authorities be trusted with this new freedom?

robbrady wrote:

Will they be tempted into overuse?

robbrady wrote:

Will they risk losing the trust of motorists?


Anyone reading the recently reported comments re: an ex-North Wales Police Officer being arrested will realise that whatever the Chief Constable says can be taken with a pinch of salt - "Don't do as I do, do as I tell you to!.


If this plan goes ahead it will soon be the case that half the working motorists in the country will be on the dole having had their licences removed due to camera flashes.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:58 pm    Post subject: Re: The Association of British Drivers Reply with quote

stuart wrote:

"The government is threatening road safety by proposing to allow speed cameras to be camoflaged so as to make them harder to spot. This will only force drivers to spend more time looking out for them rather than paying attention to real hazards.

This is soo much cr*p. How can any reasonable person believe this. The simple answer is 'just drive within the legal limit and pay attention'.

stuart wrote:
Worse still, they are proposing to allow cameras to be placed where there have been no accidents. They are giving the safety camera partnerships a licence to print money.
The proposals represent a serious step backwards and show that government simply cannot be trusted to keep its word."

OK, so they need to wait for an accident before they can use 'safety' cameras? Didn't this idea get berated eairlier in this thread? Again any sensable person can see the reason for this. If a new school/play area/estate is set up then why shouldn't there be safety cameras to help?

Yes I agree that the authorites may try to put up 'revenue cameras'. But then we should oppose them with legitimate and structured arguments.

The chaff that is used at present is not going to win any discussion. Maybe supporting 'legitimate' cameras and opposing revenue cameras is the way forward.

Simply bitching that you need to look for cameras while traveling at speed rather than avoiding pedestrians just sounds like the ramblings of a moron.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:17 pm    Post subject: Re: The Association of British Drivers Reply with quote

stuart wrote:

"The government is threatening road safety by proposing to allow speed cameras to be camoflaged so as to make them harder to spot. This will only force drivers to spend more time looking out for them rather than paying attention to real hazards.

This is soo much cr*p. How can any reasonable person believe this. The simple answer is 'just drive within the legal limit and pay attention'.

stuart wrote:
Worse still, they are proposing to allow cameras to be placed where there have been no accidents. They are giving the safety camera partnerships a licence to print money.
The proposals represent a serious step backwards and show that government simply cannot be trusted to keep its word."

OK, so they need to wait for an accident before they can use 'safety' cameras? Didn't this idea get berated eairlier in this thread? Again any sensable person can see the reason for this. If a new school/play area/estate is set up then why shouldn't there be safety cameras to help?

Yes I agree that the authorites may try to put up 'revenue cameras'. But then we should oppose them with legitimate and structured arguments.

The chaff that is used at present is not going to win any discussion. Maybe supporting 'legitimate' cameras and opposing revenue cameras is the way forward.

Simply bitching that you need to look for cameras while traveling at speed rather than avoiding pedestrians just sounds like the ramblings of a moron.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are mobile cameras used in the village where I work. The whole length of the road through the village is designated a camera zone. The speed limit drops from 40 to 30 just because you cross the "town line". The cameras sit 100m or so inside the limit and snap cars as they pass the 30 sign, both ends of the road, same tactic. Nothing to do with accident prevention, just raising more cash.

The variation in speed limits is huge and seems to be almost random. Dual carriageways with 40 limits and main roads with house doors literally a pavement width from them posting the same limit.

If the speed limits were logical, consistent and reasonable most would obey them. With the current system I am often looking for (absent) repeater signs to find out what I should be doing.

The whole of the estate I live on has been designated a 20 zone. No accidents, no one travelling at great speed, just seems there were some grants and government targets to meet, so we have road humps at some cost and 20 signs. The road feeding it is a 30 zone and there are lunatics screaming up and down it regularly, the houses are just as close to this as any other road. No enforcement here, no logic either.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:37 pm    Post subject: Re: The Association of British Drivers Reply with quote

acmp wrote:

This is soo much cr*p. How can any reasonable person believe this. The simple answer is 'just drive within the legal limit and pay attention'.

I am presuming that you use the speed camera database. WHY???? According to you, the answer is simple........
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:06 pm    Post subject: Re: The Association of British Drivers Reply with quote

lupos0_1 wrote:

I am presuming that you use the speed camera database.


lupos0_1 wrote:


Honestly? because it's there and I can use it.

I've been driving for 18 years and never been done for speeding. I've had the DB for 6 weeks of those 18 years.

I am no angel when it comes to speed, but I must be doing something right.

I am pro speed cameras. But I don't agree with revenue cameras. If the cameras are in the right place and used properly then there is no problem. And at the end of the day it's the motorists fault we have speed cameras, if there were no speed related safety issues then speed cameras would not be used.

And I still don't see how camouflaged cameras are 'threatening road safety'. At the end of this discussion is the guy who drives too fast and kills someone. Not seeing a kid in the road because you were looking for the camera is not an excuse and I don't see how anyone could think it is.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I drive and ride about 30,000 miles a year and use the database for extra protection of my licence .

I actually watched a horific accident on a road one day ,2 cars passed me and were travelling at I would estimate about 100 , the lead car was a nice shiney mercedes and the other one a small white van . The merc driver saw the camera and slammed on his brakes the white van man didnt and piled straight into the merc . The rest of the accident I didnt see because I was taking avoiding action to miss all the debris .

So did the camera do its job and slow the merc down or did it cause an accident by its half hidden placement

I agree that cameras at school site and hospitals are a good idea but out of the 8000 cameras on the database how many are sited in those situations
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