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Further to my problems with the 3rd GR-213, I had quite a long telephone conversation with a lady from Holux last week(by the side of the A14!!). I had just done a trip out to Sywell aerodrome from my office in Luton (about an hour) where the receiver had worked fine. When I left Sywell to go home, it just plain refused to fix no matter what I did. The lady from Holux (Julie?) was very defensive about this problem and virtually accused me of not operating the receiver properly!!. The next excuse was that the car has an Athermic windscreen, which it hasn't and thinks that it is only the reporters on this forum that have a problem. She also claims that if you move off before getting a fix, the receiver will never fix which is rubbish. We tried a lot of things over the phone like hanging the receiver out of the window, powering down, powering up etc etc, but it steadfastly refused to work. She is now going to send me a new PS/2 to RJ11 cable to see if that works, but I can't see that making any difference. She also said that they could not find anything wrong with the 2 that I sent have previously sent back. I agree with most of the writers that it is some sort of power problem, my car (Citroen C5) cuts the power to the GPS completely when starting up, but not powering the receiver up until the engine is running has given very mixed results. I cannot seem to find any sequence of powering/de-powering GPS, PDA, or software that will consistently alleviate the problem. It is now at the stage where it will work OK for one trip and then not the next.
I am seriously thinking about getting my money back and going for another bluetooth device, though I would much prefer a wired receiver, but this has been going on for months now and there appears to be no solution. Anyone had experience of the Rikaline GPS-6033?
Cheers _________________ Volvo V60 Sat Nav (Garmin?)
Co-Pilot 9.5 on OnePlus1 and Nexus 7
Joined: Sep 24, 2004 Posts: 220 Location: Croydon, United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:15 pm Post subject:
The Holux GR-236 BT receiver can be used as a wired receiver as well as a BT receiver - see reviews on this site etc.
If I had known this I would have gone for it rather than the GR213.
Mike _________________ Skoda Columbus and for emergencies: TomTom + iPhone 4 & TomTom car kit
The Holux GR-236 BT receiver can be used as a wired receiver as well as a BT receiver - see reviews on this site etc.
If I had known this I would have gone for it rather than the GR213.
Question is how well the GR-236BT works as wired receiver when it's powered from the cig outlet. If the circuits are similar in GR-213 and GR-236BT I wouldn't be surprised if the problems we've discussed in this thread appear on the GR-236BT as well.
Joined: 21/02/2003 11:37:04 Posts: 164 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:48 am Post subject:
Hi Ulf
In my kit, as well as the clear plastic suction cap, all it does is grip the cable near the receiver to stop it sliding around, there was also a velcro strap, like a cable tie, presumably to use as an attachment.
Hope that helps.
Regards _________________ John
iPAQ3830 (32MB) PPC2002 ROM 1.20
CF Expansion Pack
Holux GR-213 GPS Mouse (GSW3.1.1 - C23B1.00)
Kingston Elite Pro 1 GB CF Card for maps
Viking 512MB SD Card (not used for navigating)
TTNav 5.210 (5430) Maps of W Europe
Joined: Sep 24, 2004 Posts: 220 Location: Croydon, United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:29 pm Post subject:
I have now hardwired my kit to the battery so the GR-213 will be powered up all the time. This should solve all my remaining issues. (just won't be able to start the car now because of battery drain..........!!!) :D _________________ Skoda Columbus and for emergencies: TomTom + iPhone 4 & TomTom car kit
I received my new RJ11 to PS2 adaptor a few weeks ago, but as suspected has made no difference to my problems. Have spoken to Holux UK again who have told me to return the unit to GPSforless. I was also told that the manufacturer has suspended shipments of the GR-213 pending a firmware upgrade. I have agreed with GPSforless to exchange my (third!) GR-213 for a GR-236. I have borrowed a friend's Rikaline 6033 for a few days until I get a new receiver and am so far very impressed. It always fixes within 20 seconds and the auto off feature means that once installed I don't have to touch it again, making it as convenient as a wired receiver but without the power interruption problems.
As this will probably be my last post in this particular forum, I would like to say thanks to all the members for some good information and an interesting and lively discussion, it's a shame that my problems with the GR-213 cannot be resolved as when working properly, it was a good little receiver. Maybe speak to some of you in the GR-236 forum!!!
Cheers _________________ Volvo V60 Sat Nav (Garmin?)
Co-Pilot 9.5 on OnePlus1 and Nexus 7
Hi Guys,
Just for your information the GR213 uses different firmware to the GR236 which is why it doesn't exhibit the same problems.
I hope that I will be able to post a solution to your problems in the next week or so.
Joined: 21/02/2003 11:37:04 Posts: 164 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:46 pm Post subject:
Hi Julie
It's good to see that Holux UK has now 'stepped out of the shaddows' and is providing much needed help and reassurance with its products.
I personally know that your support team have tried their best to provide work-around solutions to the problems, but from what you say, there was always a potential flaw in the firmware likely to cause a problem when used in the manner that most of us considered to be 'normal practice'. It might have helped your cause if Holux UK had admitted the existence of a problem rather than suggesting that we were misusing the equipment.
However, I am pleased that a solution is on the way as it will avoid the need for me to have some electrical work undertaken on my car. At the moment I have to remember to disconnect the power adapter every time I switch off the engine, which is a bit of a pain.
I shall watch this space for more positive posts from you.
Thanks and good wishes. _________________ John
iPAQ3830 (32MB) PPC2002 ROM 1.20
CF Expansion Pack
Holux GR-213 GPS Mouse (GSW3.1.1 - C23B1.00)
Kingston Elite Pro 1 GB CF Card for maps
Viking 512MB SD Card (not used for navigating)
TTNav 5.210 (5430) Maps of W Europe
Joined: 18/07/2003 11:50:47 Posts: 81 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:36 am Post subject:
Thats great news, hopefully the firmware will finally fix the problem. I resorted to hardwiring the receiver in but when I transfer to other cars I get the TTF issue so will be very happy once this 'fix' is out
The news from Holux Technology is that there is a change in the hardware of the receiver.
If you have a GR213 with a serial number below 213-54900001 and have purchased it directly from Holux UK or from one of our dealers/distributors please send me a pm with your serial number & I will advise accordingly.
If you are not one of our customers then please contact your dealer for further warranty support.
My apologies to those of you that are not one of my customers - if you struggle to get support from your dealer please give me a shout and I will try to help.
Joined: Sep 24, 2004 Posts: 220 Location: Croydon, United Kingdom
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:01 pm Post subject:
I have one of the new GR213's and it is completely different.
TTFF is always less than 1 minute.
If I leave the car turning off my palm & unplugging the cigarette lighter power lead, and then switch on after 5 min - i.e. petrol stop, I plug in the cigarette lighter adaptor, and by the time I have turned on the palm, tom tom (which was not closed on the palm T3) has already got a fix.
I also unplugged the power @ 70mph going down the motorway, let the palm turn its self off, left it for 20 mins, stopped at a service station for 15 mins or so, back on to the motorway, up to 70 mph and the after a few mins plugged in the cigarette power cable again, turned on the palm T3 & it had a fix almost straight away.
I even had a fix when going inside a multi-storey carpark!
So far so good. _________________ Skoda Columbus and for emergencies: TomTom + iPhone 4 & TomTom car kit
Joined: 21/02/2003 11:37:04 Posts: 164 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:08 pm Post subject:
I have now received my replacement receiver from Holux UK. Very good service, thanks Julie, it was sent out the same day that my original (1st replacement) was received .
I have only had a chance to briefly try-out and it seems fine. However, all was initially fine for the two previous units as well. I fully intend to leave the cig power adapter permanently connected as I assume that the new hardware will now cope with the power fluctuations caused on engine cranking. The proof of the pudding....etc.
All being well, this thread should soon be redundant
Cheers _________________ John
iPAQ3830 (32MB) PPC2002 ROM 1.20
CF Expansion Pack
Holux GR-213 GPS Mouse (GSW3.1.1 - C23B1.00)
Kingston Elite Pro 1 GB CF Card for maps
Viking 512MB SD Card (not used for navigating)
TTNav 5.210 (5430) Maps of W Europe
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