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Joined: 19/08/2002 15:39:36 Posts: 172 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:19 pm Post subject:
BERT_UK wrote:
Just because the individual data is freely available doesn't mean that the compiled data has to be given away free. Electoral roll data is freely available to anyone who wishes to view the public records but companies compile all of this data and sell it. Companies don't own your address but it's possible for them to sell this information to other companies.
Try using the list of postcodes from Ordnance Survey and see how long it is before they knock on your door with a writ. see http://www.digitools.co.uk./home.php
Just because you have free access to data does not necessarily give you the right to use it for commercial gain.
I think who own's the data is a non-starter. Pocket GPS World are providing a service by compiling and distributing the data and therefore are entitled to charge a fee to cover costs (admin, bandwidth, etc) and potentially receive a profit.
Pocketgps have copyright for their database only...they do not have copyright on the data excepting where it is their own.
As someone else said this really has opened a can of worms, and for the record I am very sad that the decision to charge has been made and given that Mike is all geared up to become a full time employee in January one assumes in reality this is done deal and no end of discussion is going to change this.
However I think there may be a further legal consideration not covered in the previous 14 pages which relates to the long term future of the database. Whilst the database is in effect a group of individuals sharing their personal knowledge of specific "POIs" amongst themselves then it is probably very difficult for legislation to outlaw it should the government try to include GPS based speed camera devices in some future road traffic legislation as in effect there is no one to pursue other than possibly the person hosting the web site and that can be changed very quickly. By making this a commercial undertaking it changes the whole status of the operation and all of a sudden there is a legal owner of the database who can be forced to shut down the operation. I believe that just such an argument was even put forward on this site in the early days in response to a question regarding the legality of using the data.
Also would this site have got the major publicity from being featured on Fifth Gear had it been simply a commercial database of speed cameras, I doubt it very much as it would no doubt of been construed as advertising and something Five would of wanted to charge many thousands for!
Considering what is a fair fee, I have just purchased an Inforad for my wife (for Christmas) as she wanted a speed camera warning system but not one linked to a navigation application. They offer the first year of updates for nothing, charge £24.99pa for subsequent years or £49.99 for a lifetime update service. Now I appreciate that the arguments above regarding their ability to outlaw such a database apply (and were that to happen within 3 years you would be out of pocket) but for their fee they are providing what is in effect a continuous update service (they recommend refreshing the database weekly) and they can only get revenue from the small number of people with the device yet one has to assume their costs are every bit as great as any incurred here and possibly more. I can't comment on the accuracy etc as it is still in a sealed box.
In the initial post about the plans for "Turning Professional" there is the following quote
Currently, huge amounts of Mike's, Robert's and Darren's time is taken up organising the regular PocketGPSWorld.com events - they are currently planning our next one in Edinburgh for over 2000 visitors! Regulars will already be aware of the mammoth amount of work Darren Griffin, alongside our moderators, contributes to the forums.
I'm sure all those that know Mike would agree that he would be the perfect candidate for our first full-timer! Mike proposes to change his job in January 2006. To coincide with this, the charge for the download will also be initiated in January.
If Mike is so busy organising events then firstly how is going to spend time managing the database and secondly why is it that the speed camera database users are paying for him, surely it should be the events (attendees and exhibitors) that fund the cost of his full time activitiy as they are clearly the beneficiary.
The same posting also talks about this being the first stage, what else is planned? Also as a viaMichelin user of the database the availability of the POICapture tool is completely irrelevant as it only applies to TT5 users. I would fully applaud the earlier comments regading splitting the database so you only need to download the files you need as a way of addressing the bandwidth issues. viaMichelin also offer POI files for sale for a few Euros, except for the French Speed Cameras which are free.
At the end of the day I doubt anyone wants to see the management and hosting of the database causing financial hardship to the individuals who put it together in the first place. I am sure we would all be willing to contribute to the running costs of the database (as opposed to the rest of the website and other commercial activities) but it needs to be on a not for profit basis and requires some justification/financial transparency otherwise it creates the level of discord seen in the many posts on this topic.
I trully hope the team will reconsider their decision
As I said in my earlier post, it’s the principle of paying for information that I and many others have submitted for free.. . As for who owns the database, the legal position, I don’t know.. the moral one I think is obvious. So surely the only answer is not to use the original database but to create your own new one. You say you are going to employ someone to check that all speed cams are correct. Well set him off down the road post haste with pen and paper..then you can guarantee the reliability of the speed cam positions..fixed ones that is. And only if it was there when he was. how can you know where mobile cams are normally situated. It wasn’t there at 3 o clock but it was at 4 o clock. As someone said in an earlier post, you would need an army.regards abbott
As a new user, I visited many websites before making my GPS purchase, many of these , for example MaFt's have links to the database. If they are paying for the download every two months then what stops them posting onto their website as a free download as ionce they have paid, t is technically their's to do what they want with it.
What a load of nonsense.
If you buy software, or a music CD does that then mean you're free to do what you want with it? Including letting others download it for free? Of course not.
There has been much animosity in this thread which I doubt the authors ever intended.
No I'm sure they didn't, its just been badly handled. Some of the proposed proceeds could well be spent on PR, as much of the well deserved goodwill that forum moderators have built up over the years, will now have largely disappeared in just 24 hours. I suspect that it will now take 24 months to restore it.
If for example it had been announced say, 2 months ago, that due to circumstances (put your own in), a forum membership fee was being considered and invited comments, I am sure that the response would have been largely in favour This happens on a number of forums (SXO owners club for instance) membership is not compulsory, but certain features are not available to non-members.
If the general concensus was in favour, the camera database could possibly have been made available to members only.
I would have no objection to an annual membership fee, but have grave doubts about paying a 'per occasion download charge'. Particularly over the 'net'. _________________ Regards
Joined: 06/11/2002 18:05:15 Posts: 112 Location: Windsor, UK
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:37 pm Post subject:
tomtomgo wrote:
A simple solution to all this is say stuff em and start our own database.
I am sure we have enough technically competent people but do we have people who are committed enough...
Blimey, I read the news last night and thought oh know I dont like this, but thought OK be a sheep and follow (occasionally) and then thought I'd look through a couple of posts this morning and blimey I'm on Page 14 or so!!
I have been on these forums a good few years and have found it great including, but not solely, the data base.
However I still get help from other forums on various topics, PC's, networks, AudioVisual, Sky+, blah blah blah and have become used to getting something for nothing BUT I do contribute where applicable and appropriate.
So, what do I think? Well I'm against it and do not like the way it has been introduced, however I don't run the site and it's up to those who do to choose their own way forward if they dont actually care about us freeloading contributors.
So as tomtomgo says it, if we dont want to pay and want to keep the service then ..."start our own database..." it's been done before and there is no reason why we cant do it again. I personally would be prepared to help both technically and by validating and contributing an area.
I sensed earlier in the year with the name change that we were in for a change and unless the warnings from this thread are heeded then we will see more.
When we have all had our say and they decide one way or another to continue then I am sure we will all take the appropriate action.
I would like to thank everybody who has worked on this forum but I have used other forums where this works pales into...well...not insignificance but you get my drift.
I don't blame the guys for their own aspirations, we just have to decide if we want to be their customers or not.
Try using the list of postcodes from Ordnance Survey and see how long it is before they knock on your door with a writ. see http://www.digitools.co.uk./home.php
Just because you have free access to data does not necessarily give you the right to use it for commercial gain.
Yes, he ripped off data owned or licenced to the OS. My original example referenced the electoral roll. This data is freely available but it doesn't give anyone the right to rip off companies who have compiled this data just because the source data is free. Which is backing up my original quote of:
BERT_UK wrote:
Just because the individual data is freely available doesn't mean that the compiled data has to be given away free.
TheBoyGroucho wrote:
Pocketgps have copyright for their database only...they do not have copyright on the data excepting where it is their own.
Yes. In theory we could all produce our own databases (and share them if we wished) and would not be violating anyone's copyright. If we used Pocket GPS' database then this would be a breach of Pocket GPS' copyright. I never stated that Pocket GPS had copyright on the entire concept of speed camera locations.
Well, it's been said before, but since we're on page 15, I might as well give my views as well.
- Charging for the database will result in a sharp downturn in contributions of new cameras
- Charging for the database will result in it moving to newsgroups or P2P networks
I think the best thing that can happen to this project now is if someone starts up a new database. I fail to see why it should become such a full-time endeavour, all that's needed is a good bit of PHP/CGI code which allows people to input the coordinates directly - this could result in daily updates with little or no effort involved. A handful of volunteers would be able to keep an eye out for fake cameras being added or genuine ones being removed.
Charging for your database will be the death of your database.
Users submitted dated on the principal of mutual benefit. If the database becomes commercial, then there are several other options and I certainly would no longer contribute.
IIRC correctly there is one commercial database/system that pays a reward to a user to locating a new camera.
I accept that there is a bandwith cost, however this is not where near £2.00. The database can be smaller (i.e we dont all need a 1.7mb download) - even so my isp would only charge 25p per 100 downloads (I am sure that this could be less) So say, even a £2.50 charge per year would more than bandwidth costs (£2.50 less fund transfer/paypal etc free plus more bandwith than you need). The costs of maintaining the database are compensated by the advertising space that can be sold as a result of the number of visitors to the site.
Alternativly p2p could be used, and users could share the bandwith burden.
Joined: Mar 18, 2004 Posts: 789 Location: Midlands UK
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:27 pm Post subject:
First of all, I will not be paying for updates, as I own a Road Angel with a lifetime subscription for updates.
I think £10 per year would be more realistic as an option. The £2 per download is fine for people that just want an occasional update.
If you start charging £20/year that is too much and people are going to spend their money on a Road Angel or a Drivesmart instead, which have a far greater accurate database. The Drivesmart also has FREE updates!
You will also lose all the people that have contributed to the database for free, and many of these people including myself drive in excess of £20,000 miles per year.
Personally I would suggest you go down the route of a two tier site access system. Keep the majority of the site free of charge and perhaps allow people to download a copy of the database that is perhaps 1-2 months out of date. Then have a chargeable part of the site, free from advertising and offering incentives to members, e.g. a bang up to date copy of the database, or perhaps arranging and offering discounts from some online stores to full members. Charge £20 a year or £2 a month. Job done.
Maybe but i bet pgpsw will flood the likes of emule etc with doctored versions, the ones that like blow up your GO, oh! but they wouldn't do that, would they now. Although it would save time by not having to worry about introducing protective code.
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