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A little disappointed with www.global positioning systems.co
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: My experience of Global Positioning Systems Reply with quote

I was interested to hear that Global Positioning Systems were advertising a free upgrade to TT5 to purchasers of TT3 on their website. On emailing to enquire who was making the offer I was told that the terms were undecided and no offer was being made at this time.

As a result of this misleading information I've decided to take my business elsewhere.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:02 pm    Post subject: TT5 Upgrade - lack of response Reply with quote

I purchased a TT3 with Car Kit for my Dell Axim X5 on the strength of Global Positioning Systems promise of a free upgrade to v5. I wasn't in a mad rush for it, and had I known they wouldn't honour it, I would have waited for v5. I have just sent a second mail, having received no response to my first (sent a week ago).

I was actually so impressed with the speed of their processing of my original order, I order a MIO unit for my father, so they've had around £400 worth of business from me. However the lack of my upgrade, plus their lack of response to my enquiry has left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

If they fail to repsond to my second email in a timely fashion, I certainly shan't be using them again, not recommending them to friends and colleagues. V. Disappointed.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Would you please email me directly at catherine.hinchcliffe@yoonoo.co.uk with your name and order number and I will look into this for you.


Catherine Hinchcliffe
Customer Services Manager
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:54 pm    Post subject: Taking it all back... Reply with quote

Having posted my complaint only today, I received a response posting from Catherine Hinchcliffe at YooNoo almost immediately, asking for details of my order which I duly sent.

Very quickly she responded confirming that my credit card would be refunded the cost of the upgrade enabling me to buy the upgrade direct from TomTom. Shortly afterwards, I received a second email confirming my credit card had been refunded, and I would see the credit witin 2-4 days. Now that is what I call GOOD customer service, but it would have been nice to have had a response to first private email sent to Global positoning Systems directly, but I'm not complaining!

I would stress that Catherine pointed out not all users are entitled to an upgrade, and reading between the lines, I figure that perhaps Global Positioning Systems have been let down by TomTom, who perhaps promised upgrades and then changed their policy? But that is purely speculation.

Anyway, my thanks to Catherine for INCREDIBLY GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE. She has ensured my business will stay with them for the forseable future.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, after months of moaning I was finally given a refund for my CoPilot by globalpositioningsystems.co.uk. I went out and spent the money on a TomTom Navigator 5 system, Pocket PC with Bluetooth from ebuyer.co.uk.

Wow, what can I say! The TomTom is everything the CoPilot should have been. It's fantastic. Haven't yet come across any of the map errors which dogged the CoPilot. The routing has been accurate and although slow for the initial planning, is quick to re-route if you go wrong.

The Voice prompts are clear and accurate and don't appear to be missed like the CoPilot ones were so often (you can even change the voices, I have John Cleese giving me directions!). The 3D map display is a joy to behold, it scrolls in realtime and is very smooth, unlike the jumpy CoPilot. POI's are maybe a bit lacking, but they are displayed even on the moving map along with road names etc.

So, all in all the TomTom system is head and shoulders above the CoPilot. The TomTom does exactly what it says on the tin, which is more than can be said for the abysmal ALK effort. I highly recommend this product!
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I bought from this company after reading another post on this forum - this thread had dropped so far down the list I didn't see it. They had the external Tom Tom microphone I wanted in stock and I was keen to get it for the weekend so I could fit it. Only down side was they wanted over £20 for Saturday delivery. HOWEVER...if you select the option for 9am Mon to Fri Delivery at £11 they use Royal Mail Special Delivery. To be fair this doesn't guarantee Saturday Delivery but Royal Mail always try to deliver the item on the Saturday if they can. Result: Mine arrived at 6.50am today and is now fitted.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I too have had a disappointing time with globalpositioningsystems.

I bought a SporTrak Map as my first GPS unit just before we went on holiday. The delivery was very quick and I was really impressed with the service.

I discovered the mapping was useless without the extra software, so after our holiday I bought the software (again very fast delivery), only to find out the SporTrak's memory was too small to make it useable.

As a result of this, I asked gps to exchange the unit for the more expensive eXplorist 400 (and pay the difference of course), but they said because I'd had it more than a week, they couldn't do anything.

Now up to this point everything had been fine, but after that it all got rather frustrating, eventually bordering on ridiculous. I restated my view that the lack of info they gave had led me down the wrong path, but got nowhere until I gave them proof, in the form of Magellan's own words that the SporTrak is not recommended with MapSend, that they had mis-sold the items. This all took 2 weeks, with many of their emails asking for the same info again and even just blank in one case, and several times just a different ticket number.

It's a shame, because I'm now sending everything back for a refund, just to go and buy it all again from somewhere else. They could have so easily kept my business by saying yes to the exchange.

Part of me still wants to save all the hassle and just buy it from them, but I'm so frustrated by the whole situation I'm not sure what to do.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Rinty

If you would like to contact me at my email address (below) I will do everything I can to try and help you.
GPS Specialists
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would just like to thank Catherine publicly for quickly responding to the troubles I've had and offering a solution.

Hopefully my experience was a one off.

Now just waiting for my new GPS unit Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My experience with Global Positioning Systems – or should they be more accurately called “Ho..Noo Co” Confused was initially quite good but rapidly turned sour.
The advice I was given steered me towards two software packs, one which would not work at all and the second CoPilot5 was bugged beyond use.
After a lot of debate, where “Ho Noo” was the usual reply and two thirds of the e-mails to their help were “lost” :o I got a telephone number and finally GPS grudgingly accepted that the return of the first software. They also refused help on the ALK product and explicitly directed me to them as the intermittent speech problem was their problem Rolling Eyes .
ALK are fantastic….ally bad, really there are insufficient words in all languages to accurately describe their total inability to solve the problem Evil or Very Mad . So after 2 months, 12 hours on the phone, 12 software reloads, 2 sets of new CD’s, new SD cards (my cost), two days lost waiting for promised level 2 telephone calls and pages of e-mails they have still to fix the initial problem Twisted Evil . They finally did however point out that I have to sue GPS and they are not and cannot be held liable for their product, unfortunately true and after this they stopped communicating :o .
So back to GPS and in goes the request on their system – and no reply, two days later in goes another – automated “this is your question” reply but no reply from the humans Rolling Eyes .
Phone up the pre-sales support as they are the only people with phones and guess what – your e-mail has gotten lost can you resend it Confused . After a bit of persuading (20 minutes) she looks on the system and starts to read out my lost e-mail.
Next bit really got me – “because its got lost…we did not give it a case number…so you’ll have to wait….(5 minutes of debate)… support will get back to you this afternoon and of course they never do :x !.
My learning from this event is never to use companies with e-mail only support, never listen to their advice it’s clearly biased, don’t expect to get help and above all never purchase ALK software.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello earl,

Can you email me at my email address below and give me your order number so I can look into this for you?

Many thanks

GPS Specialists
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A BIG thank you for sorting out the problems identified in my earlier post and an even BIGGER thank you to Duncan for making the whole process painless :D .
Now all I’ve got to do is identify a replacement … Confused ..
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:41 pm    Post subject: A GOOD Review of GobalPositioningSystems.co.uk! Reply with quote

Earlier this year I ordered a Holux GPS Mount for my iPAQ from www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk. It was delivered quickly at a good price and worked well. It developed a minor fault (loose speaker connection).

I e-mailed them on Fri and got a returns number by email that evening.
I dispatched the faulty unit back to them on the following Mon by Royal Mail Special Delivery (refundable) for delivery Tue am.
This morning (Thu) I got the repaired unit back.

All in all a good result! Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

About a year ago, I bought an iPAQ 3715, TT3 and Arkon powered PDA mount from them. Unfortunately, my pda was faulty on arrival, and I had to send it back, with them reimbursing the postage costs. Received my pda back, and waited a couple of months for my postage refund. It never came!! So I had a moan on here, and Grant ask me to mail him the details, to which he reponded that he will ensure I get my postage refunded asap. Still, it never came!! Then a few weeks after, my mount developed a fault, and I had to send that back, again with a promise of a postage refund. When I complained that I never received the original postage refund, they promised to refund both sets of postage, and the postage from the original order as a good will gesture. Did I receive it? Did I heck Evil or Very Mad . I couldn't be bothered to chase them up, but as a consequence I have advised 3 friends to buy from other sources, when they have enquired about my sat nav system. Their initial service and delivery times, and the speed with which they replaced the faulty items have been excellent, but they have broken 2 promises to me!! Both of which have cost me money.

No doubt either Grant or Catherine will respond to this, but I just can't be bothered anymore. If people think I'm making this up, just search back through the threads from about a year ago!!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

just purchased my 5th pda from gps for a colleague - mitac mios with tomtom and really satisfied with the service each time

they even price matched another companys cheaper price

id continue to use them 8)
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