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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:15 pm    Post subject: SmartST 2005 software Reply with quote

Hi all.
I hope I have not missed the post.
I am wondering if anyone out there has purchased the new SmartST 2005 software from Navman and installed it onto their ICN 510. Would be great full for any comments before I take the plunge and spend the £90.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as I am aware the new SmartST 2005 is basically Version 3 software with a few minor alterations and bug fixes, nothing earth shattering.

If anyone has actually seen it though (I have only received a quick verbal run-down) please feel free to correct me.

Incidently I am led to believe a new patch for ST version 3 users will be release for download imminently which contains minor bug fixes too.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know how long you will have to wait to find out. I ordered a CD with the new 2005 software for my 510 a week ago, but it seems that Navman Europe have warehouse problems. Although they have already debited my credit card account, they are still unable to give a definite despatch date.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: SmartST 2005 Software Reply with quote

I ordered this on 20th September; it shipped on 21 September and arrived on 22 September. Initially I had problems installing it on my 510 - I suspect due to McAfee Firewall. I kept getting error E90001 - Navman internal error. Eventually managed to install it using a laptop and is now working well. Interface now seems a bit more user friendly, mapping appears more up to date and as I was about to pay £145 for the European map upgrade, at £99 it is a bargain. Hope they can sort out the problem with McAfee, though!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had the same issue with McAfee firewall setting up my 520. But I didn't realise it was this causing the problem until I successfully set-up the 520 using my laptops (1 uses Windows Firewall the other ZoneAlarm).

I've found a few issues now with McAfee Firewall causing applications not to work correctly.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Their upgrade prices are extortionate, especially considering its not the full 2005 update. Mio (268, 269) are giving FREE upgrades on both regional and full European maps—only cost is €10.50 for postage. A NEW Europe map (not upgrade) is €49 at the moment. They also have far superior coverage in that you can get most of East Europe as well.

Come on Navman, get with it!!
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Tim Buxton
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rich-1 wrote:
Their upgrade prices are extortionate, especially considering its not the full 2005 update. Mio (268, 269) are giving FREE upgrades on both regional and full European maps—only cost is €10.50 for postage. A NEW Europe map (not upgrade) is €49 at the moment. They also have far superior coverage in that you can get most of East Europe as well.

Come on Navman, get with it!!

In what way is it not the full 2005 update?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On Sept 3rd, I fired an email off to Navman (Australia) in regards to the new SmartST 2005 softwares asking :

"........ Can you please advise what the differences / advantages between v3 and
2005 versions.

The reply from Navman:

"The new 2005 version of the Navman software and map data will include more up to date mapping. This will include newer roads such as in new housing estates and new bypasses etc. This will also include additional points of interest."

This reply basically gave me no useful info what so ever. I fired the email back to Navman with:

"Many thanks for your reply, re my original query regarding SmartST v3
versus SmartST 2005. I appreciate that there will be an update in maps, but what is of more interest to me is the differences or improvements from the SmartST v3 to the new SmartST 2005 softwares. (eg. use of Postcodes in Australia, locating house numbers etc)

Some days later I received a phone call from Navman (Australia), commenting that they were not sure what info I was actually after. I tried unsuccessfully to find out what the software differences were, other than to be told that the main upgrades were in the maps. The conversation basically ended with my understanding that very little change has taken place on the software update other than the included maps.

From the above one can draw their own conclusions as to what Navman have told me.

Best Regards,
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am still waiting for my 2005 update CD for the 510 - another package was posted to me last Friday, so I have some hope of getting something for my money. Certainly someone in Navman Customer Service has been busy chasing up delivery procedures.

As regards the mapping details, it would be far more useful for Navman to state the actual date of the mapping data instead of just "the latest available". This is of no help when trying to check against road changes in the real world.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rich1 wrote

Their upgrade prices are extortionate, especially considering its not the full 2005 update. Mio (268, 269) are giving FREE upgrades on both regional and full European maps—only cost is €10.50 for postage. A NEW Europe map (not upgrade) is €49 at the moment. They also have far superior coverage in that you can get most of East Europe as well.

Come on Navman, get with it!!

This needs to be seen in context,

The free upgrade offer is only for people who bought the product after a certain fairly recent date.
The existing Mio software on which the upgrade is offered does not even include the M6 toll! Nor can custom POI's be added. I know this because my company just purchased 20 Mio 268 for our sales and service people.[/b]
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't include this in my last post re this subject, as it wasn't the point of my post, but seeing there is a little concern with the cost of updates etc. In the email initially received from Navman (Australia) was this following statement:

"There is a new version of the Navman SmartST software and map data
scheduled for release in September this year. This will be made
available to our existing clients as an upgrade for a heavily discounted

I do know from experience that Navman (Australia) did offer a large discount on those wishing to update from SmartST v2 to SmartST v3 (software plus Australian maps). At that stage the cost of the 'new' SmartST v3 software / maps was AUD 480 whereas the upgrade on offer was AUD 170. (From memory the upgrade pricing also extended the European maps as well, but I have no documentation on that.)

I did consider this pricing quite reasonable, and it seems to me from the Navman statement that once again the upgrade offer may perhaps be of similar.

It may pay those in Europe / UK to keep an eye on the Australian Navman Store once the SmartST 2005 is released. Personally. I found it more beneficial / cost effective to purchase my SmartST v3 Pan European software / maps from Navman (Europe). The savings to me after delivery charges, VAT excluded was approx Euro 130.

Hope the above is of some interest.

Best Regards,
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having just suckered myself into buying the upgrade to SmartST 2005, I am now very annoyed at the price/benefit ratio. There is nothing in the new version to get excited about. There are some cosmetic changes but essentially it the same software IMHO. I cannot accept this is a map update if my own road, built over three years ago, still does not show. This is more annoying as I seen my road on maps such as ViaMichelin, Navtech etc. for the last year. In conclusion I would NOT recommend anyone spend their hard earnt cash on this rip-off.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: Navman Maps & Software Upgrade Reply with quote

For those that are interested in what the Navman (Europe) site has to say about the 'enhanced' software now on offer at £99. Here is the blurb.

This package also includes SmartST™ 2005 navigation software that will allow current iCN 510 owners to upgrade to the latest 2005 features which include: New Advanced address entry wizard and address search engine
New Optimised routing and guidance
New Navigate to 'Home' Option
New Improve Map imagery including:
- London Congestion Zone
- Improved road icons and road signage
- Displayed Railway Lines
SmartST™ 2005 Features:

· Improved map routing and address search using post codes
· Enhanced map detail
· Turn-by-turn mini maps
· Points-of-interest import function (i.e safety cameras, petrol stations, etc.)
· Multi-stop trip planning (i.e A to B to C....)

Don't think that will tempt me to part with my money - although if it were on offer to existing users, then I could be tempted.

Oh well! Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My 2005 update pack has now arrived and I have installed the "new" version of the SmartST Desktop. Now I am installing the new 2005 maps in my 510 SD card. Thus is taking forever. Is it just my PC, or is it the same for all users? I don't remember it taking this long when I installed version 3 maps.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As indicated by Graham-P above, the £99 update appears to include certain new features such as optimised routing, railway lines etc. At the same time there is a second update option where for £79 you get............"SmartST™ Version 3 Features:
SmartST™ Version 3 delivers many new and enhanced features including:
• Improved map routing and address search using post codes
• Enhanced map detail,• Turn-by-turn mini maps,• Points-of-interest import function (i.e safety cameras, petrol stations, etc.)
• Multi-stop trip planning (i.e A to B to C....)

Its difficult to see what is "new" in this version. I am still waiting for a response from Navman, but not holding my breath.

With both they give a list of countries covered, but for UK & Ireland it just says "Major Cities", implying that neither are complete regional updates. Does anyone know if UK & Ireland country maps (as oppossed to Cities) have been updated?
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