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Help with TTN5

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:59 am    Post subject: Help with TTN5 Reply with quote


I upgraded to TomTom Nav 5 in August and loaded it into my trusty iPAQ 3950. In September my car was broken into and my iPAQ was stolen Crying or Very sad

A friend was selling his iPAQ 2210 - so I bought it to replace my 3950. Just loaded TomTom - tried to do an automatic product activation which failed (check connection to Internet). Chose the manual option on ttcode.com, typed in my product code - and was told that the product has already been activated on TWO devices. I've only ever installed it on the only other PPC I've ever had (now in the hands of some ASBO).

So - why does it do this? Did the automatic activation fail and it passed on the wrong product code? Is TomTom's database corrupt? Did the ASBO figure out my product code from the iPAQ he/she stole and pass it onto a buddy?

Anyway - was really hoping to use TomTom tomorrow - have a road trip. TomTom themselves are hard to get hold of:
1. Any advice dealing with TomTom
2. Any ideas why it looks like it's been activated twice instead of once?
3. ANy ideas to get me going in the short term?

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you create an account on the Tom Tom web site & enter the product code from your TTN5, you will be able to see the devices that have been activated. If only one is showing then you should be able to get a 2nd code from Tom Tom (if repeated attempts at ttcode.com fail). If two are showing then you will be able to see the dates of activation, maybe it had been activated before you received it.

Best way to get a response from Tom Tom is via the fax no. in the Complaints sticky at the top of the page but that's not going to help you with a trip tomorrow.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Crocodile,

Two activations are showing - one presumably my (now stolen) 3970 iPAQ. I don't know the other one - I see the device codes that have been activated - but no date - where do I see that.

Seems like I'll be TomTom-less tomorrow, and will try their fax no.

I'm more curious how a second device could have been activated! I only received the software (directly from TomTOm) in AUgust - and it's only ever been in my PC once - to install onto my previous iPAQ.
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Joined: 06/03/2003 23:49:40
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is getting stranger!

THe second activation happened on Sep 8th at 7.07. My iPAQ was stolen on Sep 3rd.

Is there a way for someone to get the product code from an iPAQ with TomTOm installed - and use it to activate the product on another iPAQ?

Either the thief has done this - or TomTom's database is lying!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think the Product Code is stored, only the Device Code used for activation but I could be wrong. Can't help any further, you'll just have to throw yourself at the mercy of Tom Tom & see what they say. May help if you reported the theft & have a police incident number but they may just say you should make an insurance claim.

Hope you get a resolution but don't hold your breath.
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