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Joined: Aug 28, 2004 Posts: 26 Location: Nottingham UK
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:16 am Post subject: POI's are WAY off !!!!
Noticed a slight problem with the speedcams recently.... quite a few appear to only be on one side of the road (where they are on both)
I put this down to the August database being a little "off" and Ill sort it with a new one next month.....
But today I noticed that my POI's for petrol stations are WAY off... theres one I pass every day, that has now moved about a quarter of a mile away - not even on a road anymore !!!!!
Coincidence it maybe, but my BT GPS has just been replaced under warrantee (Leadtek) - but would this cause it ?
Road tracking seems spot on, so Im not blaming the GPS... I'm always on the right road, and turns are accurate !
Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20 Posts: 4919 Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:42 pm Post subject:
Hi rooster,
Could you tell us where in the country these cameras are that you’ve noticed are out? Could you give us details of the cameras i.e. their PocketGPSWorld Id number, road and location information?
We have made a decision that if a road has two cameras on either side of the road, at exactly the same location, with each camera facing the opposite direction to the other camera then we would just record one POI there, which would act as a warning for both cameras. A good example is:
Gatso: 2433@60, A40, Barnard Gate, near Witney, Oxfordshire. This site has two Gatso cameras, one faces west and the other faces east.
One reason for this decision is that the current POI Detection add-ons for SatNav systems don’t have the option of displayed only cameras on “this side” of the road and ignoring cameras on the “other side” of the road.
Please do let us know of all cameras. If one camera is close (i.e. within 100 metres) to another one then please let our camera database administrator (Richard) know this.
BTW, could you also update your profile to indicate which part of the country that you live in?
As to the accuracy of the petrol/fuel garages, are they the standard default TomTom POIs that come with TTNav? If they are, then it is a known issue that some TomTom POIs aren’t as accurate as they perhaps should be.
Regards, _________________ Robert.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
Joined: Aug 28, 2004 Posts: 26 Location: Nottingham UK
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:16 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the reply, I will log the "problem" cams....
As for the fuel stations, they WERE accurate a couple of weeks ago !!!!
Just seem that they have all moved !
Not too sure how POI's are overlayed onto the map... but its just as if they were on an acytate layer, ontop of the map, that has been displaced....
Joined: Aug 28, 2004 Posts: 26 Location: Nottingham UK
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:30 pm Post subject:
Cams I found today: (problem ones !)
Western Blvd (opposite Western Gdns) specs:051@40
" " :066@40
" " :052@40
Middleton Blvd :056@40
Not sure if this is all the info you need.... but the pattern seems to be that when on a dual carriageway - where the two directions split into what looks like 2 roads on TT, the cam "looks" like its only on one side, where there are in fact one EACH side ! obviously this causes problems when cams are set to "only warn if on route" is set !
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