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Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:02 pm Post subject:
File in the Page here for TeleAtlas, choose Great Britain as Country, or Logon to TomTom's Website and under My TomTom choose Report Map Feedback. _________________ Richard
TT 910 V7.903: Europe Map v1045
TT Via 135 App 12.075: Europe Map v1145
I wish you lots of luck with that by the way. In just about every city I've been to, there has been an occasion where TomTom tries to send me right at some traffic lights where this would be illegal or physically impossible. I complained to TomTom and this was their explanation:
In order to obtain the correct map data, TomTom and its map supplier, TeleAtlas, rely on local government and other local organisations across the whole of Europe to supply us with the correct, relevant and most up to date information for millions of roads, streets and lanes.
There are only a few map suppliers in the world that have good map data, one of them being TeleAtlas. On average, 5% of all European roads are changed; our map supplier has hundreds of people driving through Europe and analyzing satellite images to register these changes. This process is time consuming and a logistical challenge. This is also the case for all errors our TomTom customers submit via our website. These errors are passed on to our digital map supplier, TeleAtlas, who will then in many cases, physically visit the location to register a different situation.
Digital map data is a rapidly growing market. Thousands of kilometres of roads are added every year next to the 5% of changes that are being made. Still the coverage of the map data, in almost all western European countries, is more than 99%. There are still exceptions possible, but the digital map data TomTom is using at present is the best data available on the market. Next to having the best map data it is also the latest map data available.
Our map data has a version number and a date, the date represents the time when the analyzing of the roads freezes and TeleAtlas starts updating the map data. When the updating has finished TomTom will start the compressing process, in order to fit the map data on a reasonable size memory card. This takes time and therefore the date is always older than the release date of the map data.
I doubt you will see an accurate update for some time yet. :-(
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