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Navigator 2 Wishlist
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

One other feature I think would be helpful, when planning a route from A to B (via C when it becomes available ) after you put in the city and road name, there shoud also be an option to "Go To Map" and graphically select where you want your destination to be.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Ability for TTNAV to learn average speeds user takes on the different types of roads and then apply these to the road speed settings.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

The ability to plan a route via user defined roads/waypoints.

It would be nice to be able to tell TT where you wanted to go and by which route, this is especially handy if your planning a route for holiday sightseeing or business deliveries etc.

Best regards David
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I wish I could use my TT2 Navigator !!

But seriously, a full GB post code search facility would be a dream.

Mio P550 Mio 3 TTN 6 2GB SD Card, Ipaq 5450: Integral 1Gb SD card, TTN 6, POICapture, PPC 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet... How about integrating TTN2 with some form of traffic information service so that routing will take traffic congestion into account.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I think one of the most serious omissions from Nav 2 is the inability to set road preferences or have I missed something? As a driver of a larger vehicle I do not want to be routed down minor roads or through town centres. Like autoroute there should be a way to set road preferances on a route.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

All of the above, and dynamic route recalculating. If I take a wrong turn, or take a turn or road I know is a better way, then I want TTN2 to recalculate a new route from where I am now to my destination, not keep telling me to turn around. I spend more time in laybys trying to get it to use the route I want instead of it insisting I do as I am told.

Not much to ask for really. Garmin has done this for years....

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

It does dynamic recalculation if you have (as is default) got that switched on.

The only thing is that when recalculating it tries to get you back onto the original route rather than calculating again from scratch - which may lead to something illogical (a couple of nights ago I took a deliberate wrong turn around 4 miles from my destination - the quickest route from there was all on minor roads, but it tried to take me back to the A road used in the original route).

Quickly using the "Navigate To" option in the Navigator menu can sort this out.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Allan and David -

What you need to do is select the 'Alternative Routes' option then tell it to avoid the roadblock. That tells it to avoid the road that you would have travelled along when you take the 'wrong' turn.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

One main feature that would be REALLY useful would be to specify the motorways/roads to be included AND excluded as part of the journey. For instance I planned a few journeys and the results meant coming of a motorway to join it back again which (may) have saved a 200 meters travel but definitely takes longer! In that case I would want to say don’t take motorway XX in that journey. To help this planning it would be useful to have as part of the route summary all the roads/motorways listed with the ability to exclude them so that TT could recalculate it based on those changes ONLY. With specifying the road to use you are effectly telling TT to go to it as you know its just 4/5 blocks away, but you can’t navigate to it because of the London one way streets! My experience was that TT had calculated a route that I couldn’t simply tell to ignore and use my specified 'main' road that I knew to be fast which was around the corner somewhere!

Other occasions I had got to my destination and when heading back it took me through the city centre (completely different route, to the one I had come on, which was a lot simplier) and could have easily avoided all the hassle if I could just get it to go to the MAIN ROAD that I know was 'close' by and avoid all the traffic lights etc.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Include this it would then be a dream!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I concur with (almost) everything on this wishlist, however, here is my 6 penneth's worth IMHDemand's importance:

1) TomTom BV to listen to and implement its customers wishes/suggestions - they're in for a shock when they go to the States, there's better, cheaper, integrated SW available, alas not for Europe!

2) Contacts imported as POI (ov2)! NO! TomTom - not 8 clicks to add to POI and then have to re-enter customer name! GET REAL!

(Anyone know where I can get an app to auto-cull long/lat for each customer?)

3) Postcode Search (even AutoRoute, TravelManager have it)

2) Via routing (-:ditto:-)

3) Scrap 3D

6) Auto-switching country at border (map on SD)

7) ... and many more featurettes - lets get the work-a-day stuff done FIRST!

Having said all this, I've had TTN on Palm before and either of those are better than the (static) TNS I've got in the car.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Just my own views on this.

The postcode routing is a mess - agreed on that.

Via routing is possible using GPSAssist.

Why scrap 3D? I like it - and if you don't like it, you can turn it off.

Lack of routing across maps is annoying for those that use multiple maps regularly - I will agree on that.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

IMHO TomTom reacts enthusiastically and regularly to wishes and suggestions. And in the States, opinion seems to be that TTN makes the competition look like junk, e.g.


Agree with the via-routing point though.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Before I start this one - I know it's technically possible to do all ready...

With the introduction of Bluetooth systems, everything is getting a bit more portable. A function whereby you memorise the position of your car, and then take your stuff with you. Then, when you need to return to your vehicle you just run a function and it plots the quickest route back by foot.

Like I say, you can technically do this all ready, but a standalone feature that instigates a walking route back to your car (perhaps ignoring roads somehow if required) would be great for the days when you park in an unknown location.

(I only post this as I lost the car in the back streets of a coastal town the other day and proceeded to kick myself for owning a bluetooth GPS system and not using it)
What's going on? Where am I?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

If you are on foot you can do this without a GPS.

When you turn the PDA on it will still show the last GPS position where the car was parked, set that as the destination.

You can then do an address search for the house you are standing outside, calculate a route from that address to your car, and then follow the route using the map/instruction view.
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