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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:47 am    Post subject: Voices Reply with quote

I've seen the FAQ on ALK's website about circles, ramps and different routing algorithms for the US. If I load CP5 with the UK selected I get either a female voice that tells me only basic information, typical!! or a really tinny pathetic sounding weedy male.

I like the strong voice of the American guy that sounds like Marvin the depressed android on the origional Hitch-Hikers.

Now I'm worried that the routing algorithms I'm using on a US install, set to the UK are wrong.

Can I have a UK install with the good strong TTS Marvin voice? I tried a few experimental installs and only sucseeded in breaking TTS. Crying or Very sad

Answers relating to question please, no general disappointment issues.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I tried to install the US TTS male a while back and got it to work but the quality was no good. This was a bit unexpected - the files are larger so I though the audio fidelity would be better. So I switched back to Stephen Hawking. I'll have another shot at it as it was a while back. It was a case of fiddling the language.cfg file

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I got such an overwhelming response to this, thanks KenS, that I decided to have another go myself.

The Marvin voice is much clearer and it is possible to have a UK install with Marvin as the voice. It’s not a workaround, it’s a preference, so I don’t want folks moaning that it doesn’t fix everything that everyone thinks are a slight snag in CP5, and I think it’s an improvement.

1. Load CP5 on Desktop, choosing UK install.
2. Update POI’s with your chosen method, mine is to edit .xls files to remove colons and change @ to ‘at’, also I remove the reference to speed in the ‘Red-light’ locations.
3. Set up preferences and exit to save.
4. Set trip options and download chosen regions to SD card in reader.
5. Leave card in reader and navigate to 2577 folder, delete TTS.cab file
6. Copy TTUS_M.cab from \program files \CoPilot\PocketPC5\CEQStart\English directory on install CD.
7. Rename it TTS.cab that way it’ll still auto install on PPC.
8. Load CP5 onto device as normal, restart and run and set up CP5 on device.
9. After you run it for the first time SetLanguage.dat will have auto set language to US, go to CoPilot directory on device and find Language.dat, copy this over onto desktop PC.
10. Edit Language.dat and change reference from US English to UK English.
11. That’s it, English install, Roundabouts, Slip Roads & Mr Clarity, Marvin.

Don’t try this if you don’t understand what you are doing, don’t blame me if you break it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One more thing to add...

After you rename the file to TTS.CAB also set it to Readonly. Otherwise it will delete itself after installing.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't tried this yet as I've only just gone to "Roger" from the female wav. Is there a way to stop the camera warnings being anounced as Custom 11 of 1? Or am I (probably!) missing something somewhere?


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eltel wrote:
Is there a way to stop the camera warnings being anounced as Custom 11 of 1? Or am I (probably!) missing something somewhere?
When you import XLS or CSV camera files, there is an option to 'Edit Type Name'. I edited two of the custom values to 'Speed Cameras' and 'Redlight Cameras', and import the files accordingly. I presume that using the new ALK option of copying files directly to the PDA will use ones that they've defined.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep, I've done the same, I renamed the 'Custom' to 'Cash Camera' and also you can edit the text in the xls files to more accuratly reflect what they are. Also replace the @ sign with he word 'at' and take out the colon. I use search and replace. I've also taken out the speed referneces in the Redlight file, don't know why they were there.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Many thanks for your replies - I'll try this. Will have a go at "Marvin" next.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

iankb wrote:
Eltel wrote:
Is there a way to stop the camera warnings being anounced as Custom 11 of 1? Or am I (probably!) missing something somewhere?
When you import XLS or CSV camera files, there is an option to 'Edit Type Name'. I edited two of the custom values to 'Speed Cameras' and 'Redlight Cameras', and import the files accordingly. I presume that using the new ALK option of copying files directly to the PDA will use ones that they've defined.

Or, when loading into custom places using the Custom Place Import Wizard, use a Category of 'Travel & Transportation' with a Type of 'Safety Camera' - no need to edit the file then. This has the advantage of leaving Custom to be used for something else, should you wish. You will of course need to ensure that these are 'reported', but since you are obviously getting it to work for 'custom' you presumably know the procedure.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

neil01 wrote:
Or, when loading into custom places using the Custom Place Import Wizard, use a Category of 'Travel & Transportation' with a Type of 'Safety Camera' ...

The only problem with this is that, if there are any cameras included in the standard POI database, you will not be able to exclude them from the POI reporting. I think that it is better to start with a known empty database.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see any problem - just delete the existing cameras in 'Manage Custom Places' first. As a matter of course, I always delete all cameras before I load the new database, whether they were loaded as safety cameras or custom, since I am not sure if the monthy updates 'remove' any obsolete/incorrect data. Also, like you, I prefer to start with an empty database.

Even the instructions in this site's CoPilot instructions tell you to delete the included camera database first.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That wouldn't work. The 'Manage Custom Places' is doing exactly that, and any cameras provided in the standard CoPilot POI database are NOT custom places. Otherwise, when you go into 'Manage Custom Places', you would see all of the garages, shopping centres, etc.

iPaq 2210
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take it from me - it does work (at least in CoPilot 5) - it is not a hypothetical solution which I am suggesting, but the method I use.

On the initial loading CoPilot from the CD, custom places contains the pre-installed safety cameras - nothing else, and they can be deleted.

It would appear that the pre-installed speed cameras are not held in the same way as the other POIs.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some more tips related to this thread. First up I got an idea from the files Dave produces for easy loading of Safety cameras.

1) After deleting all POIs in preparation for loading new ones I closed Copilot and saved the relevant files from folder c:\program files\copilot\pocketpc5\eu\save

Whenever I want to delete all custom POIs I just copy my saved files back into that folder. Its much quicker than using "Manage Custom Places"

2) Before I load the files from the spreadsheet I edit the names a bit like Grimbeard does. I change names like "GATSO:1234 AT 30" to "GATSO 30mph (#1234)". I used the parentheses because everywhere else whenever something is written inside parentheses Marvin does not read it out. Unfortunately the exception sseems to be POIs!! Writing the speed nearer the start of the name means it is read out before I have passed the camera. Writing "30mph" causes Marvin to actually say "Thirty miles per hour". Writing "#1234" causes Marvin to say "Number twelve thirty four". I also take out any leading zeroes so Marvin reads the number normally.

3) After loading the POIs into Travel & Transportation > Safety Cameras I close Copilot and copy the same files above onto my PDAs SD card.
If anyone can work out how to stop Marvin from reading out the camera number please post here.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some more Marvin tips:

In order to increase the volume of Marvins voice I edited the preferences.cfg file. In it there is a section:

I increased VolumeMuliplier to 5 and Marvin did indeed become louder. However. it drove the sound into clipping and soon blew out the little speaker in my PDA so do NOT try this at home.

On your PDA you will also find in the datacd folder on the SD card a file called language.dat
This can be edited to change Marvins vocabulary.

1) Look for the lines

and change "UK=J" to "UK=Exit"
You will find that where Marvin used to say "Take roundabout to Southampton J on M3" he will now say "Take roundabout to Southampton Exit on M3" and indeed this is what also appears written on the screen

2) I also changed all lines that say "UK=Slip road" to "UK=Ramp" as I prefer that term. Also, Stephen Hawking used to pronounce it "sleep road" which I never liked.
Also change "UK=Take the slip road" to "UK=Take the ramp".

3) Look for the lines
Key=to (road)

I changed "UK=to" to "UK=onto" so Marvin says "At roundabout take exit 3 onto A123"

Now all that remains is to find a phrase to change to "Here I am. Brain the size of a planet and I'm giving you map directions. How depressing".

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