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Thanks for the help. I am on a steep Learning curve with this new vista lark so think I will have to use a friend's XP system untill I become fully aufait with New system. I do not want to lose my fa ...
Can you please help ? I have been udating my cameras for a few years now and when I update say a Gatso to my Uk and Ireland Map I am shown the box saying do you want to overwrite the file already in ...
I was thinking about my problem and realised that some errors must be present on my tomtom. I went into TT Home . I deleated all the camera data . I the redown-loaded latest camera data put it into 30 ...
Since downloading version 7 to my Go 300 I lost all the camera voices that I had been using for a considerable time. I am now trying to get the Ogg files to work on my unit . I have down loaded the Li ...
Since downloading version 7 to my Go 300 I lost all the camera voices that I had been using for a considerable time. I am now trying to get the Ogg files to work on my unit . I have down loaded the Li ...
Tomtom are now offering the navigator sytem tied to their camera data base for Go 300 etc at a cost around £40/annum. Is this Good Value?
Is it possible to isolate the tomtom cameras from the package ...
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