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Steve's Landrover Photos

12th January 2003

 Article by Dave Burrows, Pictures and instructions provided by Steve Burke.


Steve Burke has recently installed his Navman GPS 3400 and iPAQ into his LandRover Discovery, coupled with a Re-Rad antenna, he's provided some photos and instructions on what he's done to create a clean install within the Discovery.


Navman Setup

The Navman is located on the right as I'm right-handed and using the original supplied windscreen mount (which hasn't fallen off yet!)

A re-radiating antenna is being used as the LandRover has near vertical windows so reception is very poor without it.

The re-radiating antenna (GPSW-RRAD-45 from GPS Warehouse) is just mag-mounted to the roof just above the driver and the cables just run down under the door seal/trim into the hinge down cover under the steering wheel. Note that the roof is the only place it can go on a Discovery, as it is steel


Navman and iPAQ mounted inside LandRover Discovery

whereas the rest of the bodywork is aluminium so it won't attach anywhere else!  It's also no good parked on the top of the dash because of the steep windscreen angle so does have to be mounted outside.  The internal aerial cable from the antenna is then just run back up the door trim to just above the dash, next to the Navman.

GPS Warehouse GPSW-RRAD-45 Re-Radiating Antenna


Accessory Socket
I have hard-wired a 4 way cigarette lighter accessory box under the dash and mounted it on the hinged cover with the supplied double-sided tape.  I purchased this from Halfords for £5.95.  Into the accessory socket I plug the re-radiating antenna and the Navman/iPAQ charger cable.

4-way Block Accessory Socket


Navman and wires concealed

Concealing the Cables

The Navman power cable just pokes out the top of the hinged cover.

Nice-n-tidy with just the 3 inches of the Navman power cable showing.

As a side note, without the re-radiating antenna I only get 3 - 4 satellites if I'm very lucky. With it I get 8 - 10 on a good day and always 6+. With the Navman on it's own out of the car I only ever get 5 satellites. 


Also, TTFF without the antenna is usually about 8 minutes whereas it's usually under 2 minutes with the antenna, so I can thoroughly recommend this re-radiating antenna as an all round good-egg!


I know everyone says that it shouldn't affect the TTFF but I can assure you that it does, in my case at least...


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