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Inside a Pretec GPS Compact Flash Receiver Card

24th September 2002

Article by Dave Burrows


For those of you who have the Pretec GPS Compact Flash Card you've probably been wondering what exactly is inside that antenna that sticks out of the Compact Flash socket ?  Well if you continue to read on, you'll soon find out!


Here's an inside scoop at the Pretec GPS CF Card.

Please do not try to open up your GPS Receivers, be it Pretec or another manufacturer, as this will invalidate your warranty, and in most cases it is plainly obvious that a Receiver has been opened or tampered with.


With that in mind, we have given our readers more of an insight into what the Pretec GPS Receiver looks like under the surface.


Take a look at some of these photos.






Pretec Birdseye view with top antenna case removed



Side on view with top antenna case removed from Pretec


Side on view showing thickness of the Pretec GPS receiver



Underneath of Pretec GPS Receiver



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