iGO My Way 2009 Now Available for iPhone
Nav N Go's iGO My Way 2009 is now available for iPhone in the AppStore. Available in three flavours (Western Europe, Full Europe and North America) each with free quarterly map updates until December 2010!
iGO My Way 2009 appears from the screen shots to be primarily based on their iGO Amigo software which we reviewed here and would be well suited to the iPhone UI using gestures for sliding between menu's etc. We hope to be able to review the App in the near future.
Price and download size:
Western Europe: £52.99 ($89.99) - 1.01GB - iTunes Link
Full Europe: £69.99 ($119.99) - 1.39GB - iTunes Link
North America: £44.99 ($79.99) - 970MB - iTunes Link
Posted by jehargrave on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:36 am |
They have confirmed to me by Twitter that there are currently no speed cams but speed limit warnings
Blog: http://blog.hargrave.org.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/onlygeek |
Posted by gyre on Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:06 pm |
Have bought and downloaded western europe version. Am trying out in 10 mins to find my daughter on the other side of bristol. pray it works
-- gyre --
Posted by gyre on Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:23 pm |
OK, it works. I found her
So... *very* early and brief feelings about the software...
* The graphics are extremely clear. Without sound it is still very possible to navigate around You are shown well in advance what manoeuvre you're expected to do.
* GPS lag on my 3gs didn't seem to be at all bad.
* I love the ability to choose 4 different ways to route to my destination... fastest, shortest, economical and easy.
* Warning (both visual and audible) when you exceed a speed limit.
* Ability to examine route calculated on the map and change the routing method.
(disclaimer: the limitations might be mine, not the software)
* It didn't seem to use the contacts database.
* It didn't appear to mute or pause the ipod music during voice instructions.
* It used its own keyboard for alphanumeric input. However, it has to be said that it used it well, and only valid letters etc. were highlighted/selectable.
* I couldn't find a way of adding waypoints. I had a start and a finish, but no intermediate points.
* No safetycams yet.
* POIs in my area didn't seem to be fully populated. Not many telephone numbers etc.
The biggest problem I have tho., is that I'm using a griffin roadtrip to power the iphone and broadcast the dock output to the car stereo.
The roadtrip 'times out' after about 30 seconds of silence, leaving me listening to whitenoise. I'd be grateful if anybody else has found problems with iphones/satnavs and this type of setup. I'm getting bored of pausing and unpausing the ipod every 30 seconds along the trip
If I can solve the sound problems, I think this program might well be a keeper for me.
-- gyre --
Posted by mikealder on Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:45 pm |
It isn't legal to transmit dead band on the FM for more than a minute IIRC so the FM Tx you have is working correctly (even though its a stupid law and unenforceable - You would never get caught in a moving car)
I use Bluetooth audio via the iO-Play device fitted to my car, works a treat cutting in over the radio/ CD etc when needed and doesn't suffer from the interference you get with the FM transmitters in/ around any large city - Mike
Posted by erne on Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:57 pm |
gyre Wrote: | OK, it works. I found her
* It didn't appear to mute or pause the ipod music during voice instructions.
-- gyre -- |
Exactly how did the music thing work ?
With the first version of navigon I could adjust the voice level whilst in the app. If I set it correctly I would hear the instructions slightly louder than the music i was listening to. Which is ok for me
Is that how it works with iGo ?
I have to start the music first before starting Navigon. After that it works as above. Is this the same with iGo
Posted by gyre on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:04 pm |
I was going to install an io play last week, but opted for the road trip instead. 60 quid vs. 150-200 quid installed. I didn't like a rumour that said that the io play would hide my BMW's reversing proximity detector sounds. Guess I should have investigated a bit further.
I did attempt, lamely, to get the gps software to use my bluetooth earpiece for directions, while keeping the ipod sounds coming out of the speakers. Didn't find an obvoius way of doing that, but then I'm an iphone nub.
I'm open to other alternatives.
I've contacted NNG and asked them if they could consider lowering the volume etc. of the ipod app around instructions.
Is it possible to tell the iphone NOT to use the dock instead of the internal speaker when it is docked? At least that would solve the timing out after 1 minute problem temporarily
-- gyre --
Posted by gyre on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:07 pm |
igo lets you change the volume level when you're in several of the menus. like the mini menu. you can use the keys on the side of the iphone.
however, it did appear to be linked to the volume control on the ipod, as far as I could tell.
There is a 'boost' option which makes the igo sound louder. I've not tried that yet.
-- gyre --
Posted by MaFt on Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:18 pm |
similar to sygic, it doesn't seem to be real iphone app, simply a port from their PND software. ie pinch n pull don't zoom in, other gestures you would expect don;t work, it doesn't link to contacts, you can't call the number given for a poi...
having said that, it IS good but it should be noted that it is based on iGO Amigo (rather than iGO My Way) so it is the more basic version.
from what i've seen, navigon seem to have the best interface so far!
Posted by gyre on Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:38 pm |
pinch and pull seem to work ok for zooming in and out on map modes that allow manipulation.
calling poi phone numbers doesn't appear to work yet.
hopefully, the authors will properly iphone-ize their apps in the forthcoming versions.
-- gyre --
Posted by erne on Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:49 am |
Once the app appeared on the store it did not take them long to get their web page up and running
Very detailed info and even a downloadable manual
They were answering questions from their twitter account as well
Very impressed
Having currenty got TT6 and Igo 2006 on my pda (with very outdated maps) My normal preferance was to use iGo. Although it was a touch slow on my low end pda. I used TT for quick and dirty navigation but iGo for longer trips
We have PND which the wife uses with mio on it which at the time was a almost a clone of the igo
The iPhone version is still missing a few features. No speed cams. Decent iPod integration. Rerouting to avoid road block/accidents. Qwerty keyboard
I am not botherd about some of the features that are "coming soon" such as address book integration as I have no need for that
The manual does mention iPhone style operation to a certain degree but only in a few places. Looking at the screen shots it does look like an exact port of the amigo PND version with limited "touch" support
So far on paper this is my preferred choice.
So long as they havent changed there routing algorithams (which gave very similar results to TT6) and more "correct" routes than the iPhone navigon software I currently use. The Navigon interface does look nicer. But giving me poor routes is a big issue for me
So what next wait for TT or take the plunge to iGo
Posted by gyre on Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:05 pm |
Found what is probably a bug or at least a resource problem.
After launching igo a few times... I find that I lose the voice directions. I just get beeps when I press buttons, but no voices.
Doesn't seem to restore even after a reboot. Resetting the igo settings seems to restore it.
-- gyre --
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