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Holux In-Car with Dashmount Bracket

Date 06th April 2003

 Article by Chris Wells


I had been using a Navman 3000 jacket on my IPAQ 3660 with the window mounting since they launched it in October 2001. 


I lost count of how many times this fell off the windscreen, the last time was in October 2002 (3 days after the warranty expired!) when it finally gave up working.

I purchased a HOLUX GM 210 GPS unit and immediately noticed how much stronger the signal was and how much shorter the acquisition times were.

I also purchased a MEMPLUG Dual CF Exp Jacket for the memory card.

Here are some pictures of how I mounted this in the car.


I used a Dashmount bracket (this secures behind the vent) and secure my IPAQ / Jacket to this using double sided Velcro (sounds primitive but is actually very secure).

Dashmount make brackets for nearly every car on the market.

I originally bought an Arkon mount to fix to the Dashmount bracket but this was far too big and fouled on the indicator stalk - this thing stuck out about 3-4 inches!

The Holux antenna sits on the rear shelf on the drivers side by the rear window. Even though the rear window of the Golf is steep, I have never experienced any degradation in the signal, I regularly get 7-9 satellites. I have been using this

setup since November and even in the city centre with tall buildings it has not lost a signal yet.  The cables are neatly tucked away under trim and carpet and my next project is going to be wiring the power supply so I don't have to have it plugged into the accessory socket.

The only downside is that it looks like the Starship Enterprise at night! :-)



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