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The increasingly popular (and free) navigation app Waze has just had an update on both iOS and Android.
The main feature of the new update is the fuel prices. The new feature, currently only for users in the USA, lists the current fuel prices at gas stations along your route and will take you via the cheapest if you need it.
While this is nothing new in itself, a few satnavs have had fuel prices before this, the Waze team have taken a slightly different approach. What's the number one complaint people have about the fuel prices on, say, TomTom's Live Services? That's right, accuracy and lack of frequent updates. Waze's fuel-price solution, like their mapping, is crowd-sourced.
When users add to their mapping data they get points; likewise when users update their local fuel prices they also get points. What do points mean? Not prizes I'm afraid... Just a happy feeling when you creep up the highscore table. There are also special offers for Wazers where you can get money-off coupons too. The update is live now in the Apple AppStore and on Google Play.
Below are a couple of videos showing the new features:
This has been a good app very useful in the morning and after noon rush hours.
However in the UK there are some black spots but this is becoming a thing of the past as more and more switch to this app. Where there is coverage it's very useful not just for traffice jam's it's useful for speed traps, weather wornings, road works, blocked roads, objects on the motorway( thank you who ever sent that one ) speed cam's red lights and so on, so wherever there is something that may effect your jurney to work, home, shopping, or going on trips to the sea side ( I know this is a bit of a joke in the UK with all the rain) this app can help save you fuel and time.
I am looking forward to the new features to become live in the UK.
This has to be one of the best free nav & info apps out there.
Waze ID: tiejustice send me a ping and say hi (did I not say you can chat to other users in real time) don't worry this app will not put your exact spot on the map to other users.
So the more people that use this app the better it get's
Posted by Dave2084 on Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:21 am
The other thing this article does not mention is that Waze v3.2 also adds the ability to have a stop point along your journey.
Waze is a really great app, give it a try!
Waze ID: Dave2084 - Again feel free to ping me if you see me out and about!
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