Watch out there are thieves about
If you get lost in Cambridgeshire, you may be better off asking a thief instead of a police officer.
With more than a 1000 navigation devices stolen last year alone is a painful reminder that satnav's are hot property for thieves, small, portable, easy to steal and easy to sell on.
Theft of satnav's has risen steeply, even Cambridgeshire police have been victims with 18 satnavs stolen from patrol cars as officers dealt with incidents.
Whilst the loss of a satnav is painful, the damage caused to your vehicle could be an even more bitter pill to swallow.
Thieves don't consider niceties like minimising damage and will smash, grab and leave you with a very expensive repair bill, loss of no claims and an excess.
Please remove your satnav from the car when you leave it or lock it securely in the boot. It's an age old message but one that is still all too often ignored. I see cars parked with satnav's left in the window every time I park in a car park, don't do it.
Posted by twotonemark on Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:08 pm |
I always take mine with me..... I used to occasionally pop it in the boot but now with the crunch on crime is up so its not worth the risk and the hassle. One of my colleagues recently had his Focus broken into and they stole his company laptop from the boot of the car.
iPhone 6 - TomTom WE- CamerAlert - Brodit Passive Adjustable mount.
Posted by culzean on Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:21 pm |
I normally take mine with me as well, thieves are not stupid and know all the normal 'hiding places' - I normally don't put it on the windscreen either, but on the side window by the mirror where it is far less visible when going onto carparks. I normally stop just before I reach a carpark and remove it from the window anyway. The worst thing you can do is underestimate the intelligence and awareness of crooks - they make a better living than most of us 9 to 5 desk jockeys.
Posted by glo-worm on Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:36 am |
Wonder if all 18 police units were really 'stolen' or now reside on the dash of an officers' family car!