Wales Plans Mobile Average Speed Cameras
Article by: robert Date: 2 Oct 2009
According to the "Intelligence for the Public Services Community" website Kable, the Welsh government is planning the introduction of mobile average speed cameras. Mobile cameras were chosen as they offer flexibility as to where they are placed.
The cameras will use automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) technology to record the time taken to travel between two fixed points.
A report submitted to the National Assembly for Wales Enterprise and Learning Committee says, "Evidence has shown that average speed cameras are more effective in achieving driver compliance. We recommend further investment in, and greater use of, mobile camera technology on the trunk road network in Wales."
It also says it would like to see an increase in human interaction between police and drivers in addition to the use of cameras.
Posted by Wazza_G on Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:23 pm |
Yet another money grabbing scheme, mind you the Welsh PF's are known for it, Brunstrom of the NW Plod, was a notorious little Hitler when it came to speed & he used all the sneaky tricks in the book too.
Be alert.. This country needs more lerts. |
Posted by jimi571 on Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:46 pm |
I think that average speed cams are a good thing, they produce a consistent approach from drivers rather than slowdown, speed up, slowdown.
Posted by s3dbw on Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:32 pm |
jimi571 Wrote: | I think that average speed cams are a good thing, they produce a consistent approach from drivers rather than slowdown, speed up, slowdown. |
Disagree on this one, turns a lot of people into speedo watchers instead of watching the road. I have witnessed 1 accident and a lot of "nearlies" in SPEC camera zones just because people were spending too much time glancing down at their speed and not paying attention to the car in front. Wrong I know, but it happens
Posted by BigPerk on Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:49 pm |
I find that quite surprising s3dbw. I can understand it more with the ordinary 'catch-you-if-I-can' GATSOs, but if some one is so unsure of their speed over a distance of several miles, and so easily distracted, I'd be giving them a pretty wide berth myself.
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by wetsleet on Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:11 pm |
BigPerk Wrote: | I find that quite surprising s3dbw. I can understand it more with the ordinary 'catch-you-if-I-can' GATSOs, but if some one is so unsure of their speed over a distance of several miles, and so easily distracted, I'd be giving them a pretty wide berth myself. |
A wide berth - if the idiots all had a pink flashing light, or whatever, and a sign saying "idiot" in big letters I suppose we would have that choice. But then we are all that idiot sometimes.
Posted by stevemlee566 on Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:53 am |
Well it was only a matter of time before the Welsh assembly found a way or re-claiming all the money it wasted on the M4 by-pass plans.
It wasted millions of tax payers cash and has now found itself with a large black whole. Why oh why must we always bail out these idiots who waste money are we not taxed enough on oour cars?
I live in West Wales and we can't even get a dual carriage way for the A40 from St Clears west, as there is not enough cash in the pot. Yet the Assembly is all too happy to claim the tax on the fuel leaving the refineries and the new LNG site.
So much for the government that is apposed to stealth taxes, after all is this not a You're Going Too Fast Tax?????
Posted by culzean on Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:18 pm |
I have always wondered what would happen if you didn't stay on the monitored road all the way between two cameras, but your satnav took you via a shortcut after passing the first camera and popped out onto the monitored road just before the second camera - and your average speed was deemed to be too high but you had never exceeded the speed limit?
Posted by technik on Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:30 pm |
BigPerk Wrote: | I find that quite surprising s3dbw. I can understand it more with the ordinary 'catch-you-if-I-can' GATSOs, but if some one is so unsure of their speed over a distance of several miles, and so easily distracted, I'd be giving them a pretty wide berth myself. |
How would you give everyone a wide berth when all vehicles are scrunched together all doing 50MPH in a 50 limit in all 3 lanes of a motorway, as everyone sets cruise control to the maximum legal speed.
It's called elephant racing, which truck drivers do on every road.
At least without cameras you can find a bit of space to yourself.
GO 620, Tomtom Android EU,
Garmin 2548LMT-D; 2599LMT-D |
Posted by BigPerk on Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:49 pm |
My comment was really that such drivers deserve care and consideration when you spot them - after all, s3dbw has been able to and (presumably) avoid them . That is, I meant the fault lies with those drivers who can't monitor their own speed, NOT with the installation of Specs cameras, which I thought was his argument. But these drivers can't be using cruise control either or they surely wouldn't be having to watch their speedo. That's one of the great uses I find for it
I agree, it's not always possible to get right away from dodgy drivers. But if I spot them, I will always put some distance between me and them, sometimes for example, with REALLY dangerous/obstructive ones in the fast lane, using the slow lane as long as the central lane is clear. Or possibly drop back until they go their own way.
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by M8TJT on Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:45 am |
culzean Wrote: | I have always wondered what would happen if you didn't stay on the monitored road all the way between two cameras, but your satnav took you via a shortcut after passing the first camera and popped out onto the monitored road just before the second camera - and your average speed was deemed to be too high but you had never exceeded the speed limit? |
You get an NIP. But on most specs areas, side entry and exit points are normally covered by the cams.
Posted by DennisN on Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:12 am |
It's difficult to believe you might possibly take a shortcut off the M4 and back on again further along around that area of Wales. But if you did and still exceeded average of 50mph, you'd rightly earn a ticket!
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