US red light camera footage released
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 17 Jul 2012
 New Jersey police have released camera footage that graphically demonstrates the dangers of jumping red lights.
In the video, a number of drivers are shown gambling with red lights and losing. Thankfully, dramatic as the resulting crashes are, no-one was seriously injured in the events shown.
Whilst most of us understand why red light cameras are deployed, there are still many drivers who oppose their use. US police hope that the footage will change the minds of those drivers and I'm sure the same applies to objectors on this side of the pond.
Source: BBC News
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Posted by chrissuk2000 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:00 am |
Actually, it's the same crash from 4 different angles
Posted by matthewj on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:02 am |
While this is a stunning video, surely no one thinks it is actually relevant to the use of red light cameras? This wasn't someone going through on orange and causing a bump. This was a drink-fueled driver who didn't even notice the lights. As such it is a poor example to strengthen a case.
Show us instead the minor accidents that cause chaos and block the road inconveniencing hundreds of people. The social cost of the red light jumper.
Posted by UKSNAPPER on Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:05 am |
I think red light cameras are useful but then I also ride a motorcycle and being side-swiped by someone at 30mph or more is potentially a leg loser or worse.
Id rather be riding a Motorcycle 4 wheels are the norm Subaru Forester |
Posted by pete169 on Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:45 pm |
Having been a naughty boy last year, I was caught doing 70mph on a dual carriageway the problem was I was in a vehicle which which had a chassis larger than a car. On the subsequent driver course I opted for, the officers said that when in schools doing road/driver education (get them young) the most common answer to what a amber light means was "floor it" from one of their parents.