Traffex 2009 Speed Camera and road technology showcase
Yesterday Darren and I attended Traffex 2009 at the NEC in Birmingham. Traffex is a trade event focusing on technology in the road transportation sector. The show has everything from collapsable bollards to traffic monitoring and flow measuring, and of course Speed Cameras and Redlight Cameras.
A lot of speed camera companies from around the World were present, from Truvelo and Gatsometer to the USA company Redflex, and not forgetting Redspeed and SCS Speed Check services. Apart from the speed cameras there were lots of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Reader) systems showing how this technology can be put to use in both monitoring and controlling traffic flow, and also more mundane things like carpark entry.
We have lots of information to prepare from this show, but it will not be ready for this weeks newsletter. Just as a taster we have 2 interesting videos from the show for you: One from the Minister responsible for the introduction of Speed cameras and one an interview with the manufacturers of SPECS cameras.
The first is from Steven Norris, the ex Minister of Transport who was involved in introducing the speed cameras into the UK. In his speech he covers some of the history of speed cameras, the mistakes made with funding and the safety camera partnerships and how the new average speed cameras are the solution to our speeding problems.
Click here to view Steven Norris talking about speed cameras.
The second video is an interview with Geoff Collins Sales and Marketing Director of Speed Check Services, the company that makes and installs the SPECS average speed cameras. In this video Geoff briefly describes the new SPECS3 networked average speed cameras, and also suggests that far from being revenue generation systems they actually pay for themselves by reducing casualties and accidents requiring less resources from the emergency services and other supporting services. I will be covering this in more detail in a separate article.
Click here to view the SPECS3 interview.
Posted by andyuk99 on Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:08 am |
My first question would have been, who have you sold it to and who are you talking to right now ..... 
Old iPhone 4S
TOMTOM Palm V5.201(Gone) |
Posted by Darren on Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:14 am |
Oh we asked and they ain't telling!
Darren Griffin |
Posted by alix776 on Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:42 am |
the specs idea is just another policing on the cheep personally id prefer to to more traffic officers on the road.
currently using aponia truck navigation on windows phone. Good bye IOS don't let the door hit you on the way out .
Oh the joys of being a courier.
device Lumia 950 xl |
Posted by Darren on Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:28 am |
Hmm have to say I'm not so anti-SPECS. No amount of policing could ensure we all stuck to the limit on an extended stretch of road or road-works. SPECS can.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by alix776 on Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:38 pm |
sorry darren i should have been more clear . yes specs can make sure you stick to the limit but it wont catch dangerous driving it will only catch people going too fast
currently using aponia truck navigation on windows phone. Good bye IOS don't let the door hit you on the way out .
Oh the joys of being a courier.
device Lumia 950 xl |
Posted by Darren on Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:40 pm |
A fair point but dangerous driving is much less likely when everyone is driving at a uniform speed wouldn't you say?
Darren Griffin |
Posted by s3dbw on Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:42 pm |
SPECS = Engage cruise control, switch off brain!