TomTom to Add 3rd Party POI Support by End of January 2011
Article by: maft Date: 19 Nov 2010
TomTom held a 'Webinar' covering various aspects that have been brought up by community websites, such as PocketGPSWorld.com, regarding the 'missing features' from their new WebKit based devices (GO 1000 series, and Via range) and MyTomTom (the new online software for managing your device).
The statements are looking quite promising and are summarised below:
- Latest Map Guarantee and Speed cameras will be available towards end of the year
- 3rd party Points of Interest will be enabled by end January 2011
- Latest Map Guarantee – extended from normal 30 days to 90 days for the GO 1000 series and Via ranges
- Itinerary Planning will be available in Q2 2011, as part of a scheduled feature release
We also quizzed TomTom for some more details on the POI aspect of their announcement so read on to find out what will and won't be available for you.
TomTom are sticking with the .OV2 format for 3rd party POI data and should still use .BMP for the icons. You can use your own POI files from your computer and drag/drop them to a web-interface to install to the device (I had worried that we would be limited to files offered by TomTom such as those downloaded using the desktop version of HOME!). It should be possible to set your own warning distance and sounds for these POIs (to be confirmed though) and it is highly unlikely that support for .OGG files (for custom warning sounds) will be available initially although it may be added at a later date.
So, all in all, they seem to have stuck to their promise this time and at least we don't have to wait too long for the features to be added. Although it still seems an odd move to release the devices without this support!
Posted by M8TJT on Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:04 pm |
Aww, Right then 
Posted by Darren on Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:08 pm |
I've added a link to this post as a note in my GO 1000 Review thread and will annotate the review as well.
It is welcome news that they have now committed to a timeframe for the missing features to be added although it doesn't excuse the fact that it was shipped without these features.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by Privateer on Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:18 pm |
I'm sure that most of us here and all of the potential buyers of TomTom's GO 1000 series, and Via range hate "Jam Tomorrow" promises.
Why on earth should anybody hand over their hard earned money to buy one of TomTom's new devices and have to wait for the promised functionality to be released? Just because TomTom have promised a functionality doesn't mean that they will deliver it.
I admit to being a huge fan of TomTom products but I would urge anybody not to buy these new TomTom devices until all functionality has been added. In fact you would be much better off buying a reconditioned LIVE model with the Latest Map Guarantee.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D |
Posted by mow on Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:24 pm |
Were there any hints on when the Company will get the "My Tom Tom" connectivity to actually work?
At the moment the device states “not connected” when Tom Tom says it is, States there are important downloads when apparently there aren’t.
The whole thing seems to be a disaster and no sign of any solution
Posted by Darren on Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:28 pm |
mow Wrote: | Were there any hints on when the Company will get the "My Tom Tom" connectivity to actually work?
At the moment the device states “not connected” when Tom Tom says it is, States there are important downloads when apparently there aren’t.
The whole thing seems to be a disaster and no sign of any solution |
Nope. The whole thing is pretty flaky.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by mikealder on Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:30 pm |
mow, thats something I experianced for some considerable time and never resolved it, out of interest what type of computer are you using MAC or Windows, the operating system version such as Vista and your anti-virus such as Kasperski as I am wondering if any of these might be common to my set up - Mike
Posted by mow on Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:30 pm |
Mike I am on a PC running Vista 64 bit and Avast antivirus.
I just can't get an answer (apart from the corporate twoddle) from Support. They seem to be deliberately missing the point ! I just don't know if I have any updates on maps, OS, or anything. Support say I am connected, my PC say's not. My Tom Tom says there are updates and then not. What a shambles !!
Posted by Darren on Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:54 pm |
Well you can be sure you don't have a map update. You will need to establish if your security settings or AV are causing the issue. The GO 1000 should clearly show it is connected when all is working, works here.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by Stampy72 on Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:05 pm |
My questions is what feature they are going to take AWAY from the TomTom?
They normally do something like that!! 
XL LIVE IQ Routes (Europe)
App 9.465.1074274.2
OS 842337 (2025, 27/9/2012)
GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5138
Map : "Europe_North" v 900.4602 |
Posted by Darren on Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:08 pm |
Stampy72 Wrote: | My questions is what feature they are going to take AWAY from the TomTom? |
I take it that you haven't read my review then? There are many features missing from GO 100x, see the review here.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by Fraserp on Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:14 am |
I'm coming late to the TT1000 situation.
So TT issued a Sat Nav that could not use Itineraries nor 3rd party POIs.
Are they totally off their heads?
I was looking for an updated Sat Nav, but I certainly won't be buying a TT1000 and rely on future fixes. I have learnt from past experience not to believe TT promise of 'updates' !
I'm certain it will affect their sales. Garmin must be rubbing their hands with glee!
TomTom 1000
GPSmap 60CSx
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