TomTom app store in development?
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 1 May 2010
Following on from the TomTom event earlier this week a number of news stories have appeared discussing the development by TomTom of their own app store style service.
A number of sites including the Wall Street Journal and Pocket-Lint claim the existence of such plans but there appears to be some confusion over the issue and where the detail for this story originates.
Harold Goddjin, CEO of TomTom made a speech at the event discussing the future that he sees for TomTom but as far as we can recall, no specific mention of any app store was made.
The GO 1000 PR material mentioned support for "the integration of third party applications". I quizzed Peter Geelen, TomTom Co-founders and head of Technical development, on what this support entailed and he suggested that at most this meant the additional features such as a Wikipedia plug-in etc could be added at a later date.
The development of a true app store that supported apps from third parties would be a welcome addition but it would be a 180 degree turnabout for TomTom who have defiantly moved towards 100% control of all the services available.
We will endeavour to seek clarification on this subject from TomTom next week.
Posted by Pimmsoclock on Tue May 04, 2010 9:22 am |
Confirmation of TT decison to start offering Apps came from an interview for this website - http://www.gpsbusinessnews.com/
I'm not too sure whether I'd start buying apps for my Sat Nav too? I guess I might if I had one built into my car.
Posted by Darren on Tue May 04, 2010 12:54 pm |
Pimmsoclock Wrote: | Confirmation of TT decison to start offering Apps came from an interview for this website - http://www.gpsbusinessnews.com/
I'm not too sure whether I'd start buying apps for my Sat Nav too? I guess I might if I had one built into my car. |
Have you seen interview? It was far from clear, much talk about stuff for the automotive business but no clear position on an app store AFAICR.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by gatorguy6996 on Tue May 04, 2010 11:47 pm |
That was my take from the interview too Darren. Mr. Goddijn was not totally committed to an App Store in his comments, using phrases like "I think we will see that", and "I can't say we'll have that in the next 2 or 3 months" and "practically speaking, I think it's a good idea...". Reading between the lines, my guess is that the AppStore is more of an idea that a solid plan right now. In any case he's left himself an out if things don't fully materialize.
Garmin 1695 / 255 / 760 w/MSN - Droid w/Google nav + Navigon - Navigon 8100T - Dakota10 - GPSMap76C - GeoMate Jr. |
Posted by Darren on Wed May 05, 2010 6:49 am |
gatorguy6996 Wrote: | Reading between the lines, my guess is that the AppStore is more of an idea that a solid plan right now. In any case he's left himself an out if things don't fully materialize. |
Indeed, a lot of supposition and assumption.
I specifically asked their head of software and he categorically stated that was not in their plans so those sites claiming otherwise are adding 2+2 and getting 10
Darren Griffin |