TomTom Launch Online Live Traffic Map With HD Live Data
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 16 Mar 2011
TomTom have launched an online live traffic map service today.
Powered by HD Traffic, the new service gives everyone the ability to view live traffic data overlaid on the TomTom map. The service covers the the 18 countries where HD Traffic is available including UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa and New Zealand.
Whilst TomTom will no doubt be hoping that this free service will serve as an advert for the quality of the HD Traffic data, it also serves as a useful tool for anyone planning to undertake a journey.
The map shows clusters of traffic problems as a single icon which also shows the number of incidents in that area. As you zoom in further you can see individual traffic incidents and what the cause of each issue is.
To visit the live traffic site goto http://tomtom.com/livetraffic.
Posted by tomthumb on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:15 pm |
This is a fantastic service but if HD traffic is available free online why would anyone need to purchase a subscription? What stops people simply using the service by connecting with their smart phones.
I for one am only interested for the most part in HD traffic, I'm not that bothered about navigation so this method would be perfect for me.
In fact if this had been available a couple of months ago I wouldn't have purchased my satnav and yes I did try searching for an online version of the service before I made my purchase so others will to.
Is it possible that this may be a shot in the foot? 
Posted by PaulB2005 on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:40 pm |
You're driving up the M1 and there is an accident ahead. It appears on the website. How does that help you? Does the website automatically reroute you? Does it alert you? Can it read out the new instructions to you?
Posted by PaulB2005 on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:56 pm |
Fair enough.
Posted by Kaybee40 on Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:44 am |
The problem with all the various traffic information systems is the lack of accuracy and precision. I have incar satnav and a Garmin with TMC on a motorcycle and both these have reported traffic problems, the incar device automatically rerouting me, where there have been no problem. The biggest culprit is the Highways Agency with their overhead gantry signs. Most drivers ignore them since in most cases the information is simply wrong (once showing a motorway slip road blocked when it was actually on the opposite carriageway to that indicated) and also frequently not cancelled down when the problem has disappeared. If Mr Cameron wants to save money spent by Government Departments he could usefully disband the Highways Agency, save labour costs and maintenance costs on the overhead gantries.
Posted by Darren on Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:03 pm |
Except HA also maintain the roads so that would be a rather drastic measure for the odd case where a matrix sign is displaying out of date messages.
They are a lot better these days but I still see the odd one where the warning is for an issue long since cleared.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by philce on Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:39 pm |
Dont forget lots of the messages (Queue Caution) etc and the 40 speeds are set automatically depending on the speed of traffic ahead.
When 2 lorries decide to calibrate their speedlimiters and block 2 lanes of the M1 going south towards J22 then everything slows, the MIDAS (I think it's called) senses the slowing traffic and hey presto its christmas and loads of flashing signs.
By the time we get to the hill the traffic has gone (lorries decided to pull in again) and we all moan why the signs are telling us to slow!
If anyone actually did take notice and slow down though! That would give the Highways "officers" another reason to close a motorway!