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TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World reviewed


Reviewed By

Mike Barrett
Review Date

5th March 2012

Manufacturer TomTom


£329.99 inc VAT



Overview of the TomTom GO Live 1005 world


The TomTom GO LIVE 1005 world is the top of the range of TomTom SatNav devices. It combines mapping and navigation with online content using a built in SIM card. This takes the navigation experience beyond the AtoB routing and opens up a world of exploration and sharing.


It has been a long time since I reviewed a top of the range TomTom SatNav so I was very pleased to get my hands on it and give it a thorough shake down and see what it was like. My previous TomTom Live SatNav was a GO Live 940 from back in 2009 so nearly 3 years further development I was looking forward to seeing what had been implemented.



The first thing to note is that the GO Live 1005 has a large 5" screen, but not only is it significantly larger it is now a capacitive screen rather than a resistive one. Basically what that means is that the SatNav now has a screen like the Apple iPhone and is able to produce rich punchy colours but can also suffer from reflections.


The second thing noticed is the 'World' tagged onto the end of the product name. This effectively means that rather than regional or a multi-regional mapping the maps cover the entire world (or at least parts of it). My old GO 940 had Western Europe and North America loaded. The 1005 World has Australia, Europe, New Zealand, SE Asia, Southern Africa, and USA Canada loaded.


The third major area of improvement is in the LIVE services. In addition to the LIVE HD Traffic TomTom have added informational and social services. With the GO LIVE 1005 TomTom have changed the usage basis from AtoB routing to discovery and social interaction. Of course the SatNav still retains its core navigational functionality, but now content from Trip Advisor, and Expedia has been incorporated along with the integration of Twitter for social media.


But I am getting ahead of myself here, let me get back to basics and start with the specifications and a description of the hardware.


TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World manufacturer specifications

Battery Life: Up to 2 hours autonomous operation

Live Services: yes, 1 year for FREE
Bluetooth® for hands-free calling: Yes

Internal memory: 8 GB internal flash memory
SD Slot: Yes

Screen size: 5.0" (13 cm)
Screen type: 16:9 Capacitive widescreen
Screen resolution: WQVGA (480 x 272 pixels)

Size: 143mm (W) x 88mm (H) x 19mm (D)
Weight: 266 grams

Gone are the days when the manufacturers deemed it important to let you know what chipsets were in the devices, especially which GPS chipsets they were using. Indeed quoting 8 GB internal memory is a little meaningless, even to the tech savvy amongst us, as knowing the capacity is only of any use if you know what size the maps and additional content are. What the specifications come down to now are basically the size of the screen and the weight of the device.



TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World hardware

Looking at the TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World you see a device that is about the size of your outstretched hand. It is bordering on being too big to slip into your pocket. However the plus side (and it is a big plus) is that the screen is a whopping 5". This means that to old codgers like me there is more real estate and it is easier to glance at the display and take it all in without squinting.


The screen itself is a capacitive touch screen. This may not mean much to you, but the result is that you get a screen that is more responsive to touch, has brighter colours and more contrast. Not having the sandwiched grid of a resistive screen means that gestures can now be supported in the style of the iPhone i.e. swiping to get between items. There are however some drawbacks, the main one being that the screen now shows a lot more reflections. In some environments this can become so extreme that the screen cannot be read.



Taking a tour of the device we see the front of the SatNav is taken up with the screen which extends all the way to the edge bevel. The last 1/4" or so forms an border which incorporates the TomTom brand name centre bottom and the LIVE logo top right. There is a small notch towards the lower right of the SatNav where the screen meets the bevel which houses the microphone for the Bluetooth handsfree and voice commands. Click on the image above for a more detailed view.


There is nothing other than a nice rounded curve on the left and right sides. The top is similar, except that it houses the on/off switch/charge indicator. Pressing the switch for 2 seconds turns the TomTom on or off. If the device ever gets locked up for any reason holding the power switch down for about 10 seconds should initiate a system reboot.


The back of the GO 1005 is more interesting, being asymmetrical having a bronze coloured metal panel extending from the left edge to within an inch of the right edge, and likewise from the bottom of the device to about half and inch from the top. This panel contains a slot for the mount and a perforated grill that allows the internal speaker to function.



The bottom of the GO LIVE 1005 is the most active area in terms of connectivity. Here we have the dock connector in the centre this has the notches that connect to the mount either side of it. To the right hand side is a slot for a MicroSD card to expand the memory of the SatNav if required. The bottom of the device also contains information on the product number and serial numbers. Beneath the label with the product number there is a slot for the SIM cars that provides the connectivity for the LIVE services.




The dock connector is another proprietary bit of kit from TomTom rather than sticking to the standard USB style of connectors. It has (what looks like) 20 contacts on one side of the socket and 2 ground connectors in a keyed holder on the other side that mate to a similar but opposite plug. Looking at the plug you will see two round metal studs either side of the connector. These are actually magnets and when the connector is mated they attract to opposing magnets on the SatNav. This clever bit of magic allows the plug to snap and hold in the socket without being held by friction or a mechanical latch.



Looking at the windscreen mount the purpose of the magnetic connector becomes more apparent. The plug has two channels either side which locate in a slot on the bottom of the mount. This allows the plug to float about a bit in the mount, but not fall out. As the SatNav is offered up to the base of the mount the plug just snaps magnetically into place. Very clever! My only comment is that the cable has definitely, as with previous cables, been designed with the left hand drive cars in mind. The power cord comes out of the right hand side of the mount which in most cases for RHD cars means that it has to loop back to get to the power adepter socket. For LHD cars this would just feed directly in the right direction.



But the cleverness doesn't end there, nor does the use of magnets. If you look closely at the mount all you can see is a couple of studs standing proud of the base near the dock connector, these obviously locate in the notches on the base of the SatNav. What you do not see is catch, latch or other holding device. That is because there is a slight ledge, which locates in the slot in the back of the SatNav, and a hidden magnet that holds the GO 1005 firmly in place in the mount.


Returning to the dock connector you will see that the power is provided to the SatNav by a USB cable with the proprietary connector. The USB cable then fits into the car auxiliary power socket using a voltage adapter. In a way this is good because it means that TomTom has managed to provide a modular system that can be used either in-car or to connect to your computer. The downside is that whenever you need to update the device you have to bring the cable indoors with you, and remember to take it back after.


The TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World software

Having seen what the hardware is like it is time to turn our attention inside the SatNav and see what the software does.



The main features of the software are divided into a number of categories: Guidance; Economy; Safety; Discovery and Others.


In the guidance section we have AtoB routing, spoken street names, IQ Routing, fast route planning and QuickGPSfix. AtoB routing is what we come to expect of all SatNavs nowadays, TomTom has some tricks up its sleeve to make the calculations work faster and this includes keeping pre-generated route plans for a large number of trips, and getting a fast GPS fix by downloading some of the required information from the Internet. When planning a route you can create a small itinerary by adding up to 3 waypoints in-between the start and destination. It is not the same as a multiple destination optimised itinerary but it is better than start and finish. The route is displayed either in 2D or, by default, 3D. You are provided turn by turn instructions reading out the street names using TTS or Text To Speech. As you approach a junction you will be given lane guidance clearly showing you which lane(s) you should be in. For more complex junctions the SatNav will display a simulated view of the junction together with the road signs and an indication of your lanes.



In economy we have features like Eco Routes, IQ Routing (again), and HD Traffic. Eco Routes produce journeys which are more fuel efficient and will not only save money, but will also help to minimise the impact on the environment. IQ routing generates routes based on the actual recorded trip data of millions of users over different times of the day to produce the fastest route for the precise time of day that you are travelling. TomTom's HD Traffic helps you to either stay clear of the traffic jams or if you must drive through them helps you manage your arrival time by taking the delays into consideration. I will cover HD traffic in more detail later.



The next category is safety and under this banner comes: Hands-free calling, Safety Cameras, Speeding Alerts, Help Me! emergency functions, Safety Preferences, and Voice Command. All of these features are designed to help you get to your destination with the least amount of stress and making the trip easier and thus safer. Some of the items such as Safety Preferences I find a little hard to justify. If you need to be reminded which side of the road to drive on you shouldn't be driving!



In the discovery category we have some new features such as integration with Expedia and Trip Advisor (detailed later) along with "Rich Points of Interest" and Google local search. If you scan the forums for TomTom POIs you will find a lot of people find them both limited and unreliable. This is where Google Local Search comes to the fore. Although not perfect by any means the Local Search is able to locate a lot more destinations very accurately. I often find myself using Google Local Search in preference to the built in POIs.


The 'others' is a selection of features that do not really fit in to the above categories. Weather, Integration with Twitter, and Map Share fill out this group. The weather provides local and destination forecasts. A nice to have, but not essential. I tend to do any planning based on weather on my computer not wait until I get in the car to start a trip. The integration with Twitter I will cover later. Map Share is a mechanism that is designed to keep your maps up to date in between releases by allowing you to make corrections and then contribute them to the Map Share server to be used by other TomTom users.


The TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World in use

So having described the hardware and software in detail it is time to put it in the car and see what it is like on the road, after all that is why we have got it!


The first thing to mention is that TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World is a bit of a misnomer. It does not contain mapping for the entire World (or even the parts of the World that TomTom has maps for), neither do the LIVE services work Worldwide. On my device I was only able to get LIVE services in the UK.


The first impressions are that it is BIG! I know that the screen size is only 0.7" bigger than the GO 1000 but that extra makes all the difference. I have a sporty car where the seat is somewhat low and the dash comparatively high this can make the positioning of the SatNav a little tricky to ensure I don't block my view of the road. I must admit that I did have to switch from the side of the windscreen to the centre but there is no restriction to my view of the road from here. Using it in other cars has also proved to be fine, though sometimes I did need to reposition it to keep my road reference points clear.


I do however like the size of the screen. Being of an age where my near sight is not as good as it used to be, and getting borderline for needing glasses to drive I have trouble with reading close up things when driving. The size of the SatNav display means that I can place it at arms length and still read it with my glasses on.


I have always had trouble trying to describe precisely the experience encountered when using SatNavs and am very grateful for the invention of video cameras like the GoPro that can record the exact in-car live usage of a device. So before I go into further details lets have a look at the TomTom GO Live 1005 World in action:



So that should give you an idea of the workings of the 1005 in real life, now lets look in a little more detail at some of the features of the LIVE services:


Finding Your Destination

One of the most important things about a SatNav is the ability to find your destination. The Go Live 1005 has a number of ways select your destination. Tapping the map display brings up the main menu, tap "Navigate to" and you have the destination menu. From here you have 11 different options to enter your destination, including bizarrely "My Location".


The address selection presents you with City or Postcode and allows full UK postcode entry, as you would expect. You can also enter the full address and house number if you do not know the postcode.


You can also navigate to a point of interest. Here you can further select in 3 main locales: Near You, In City, and Near Home. This is where the system is not quite so good. This weekend I went to visit some friends who were staying at the National Trust property Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. Now the nearest city I knew to there was Ipswich so having selected POI in City and entering Ipswich I then did a 'Search by Name' for Sutton Hoo. After a few seconds of the wait icon (known as the Wheel of Death) it returned "No POI found".


I later found out that Sutton Hoo was near the town of Woodbridge but that would not have mattered, it still couldn't find it. Fortunately there is the Google Local Search feature which also works on the similar principles: Near You, In A City, and Near Destination. This time entering Sutton Hoo came up with a number of selections including National Trust: Sutton Hoo, Tranmer House, exactly the place I wanted to get to.


This is not however a triumph of Google over POIs as you might have expected. Google had not returned the correct location, indeed it was trying to send me to the centre of Woodbridge. Some 3-4 miles from my actual destination. Surprisingly, using a little common sense, I used my eyes and followed the brown tourist signs and arrived at the correct destination.


This is an unusual occurrence normally I can find my destination very easily, but it does show that there is room for improvement, both in the manner that POIs can be searched for and the quality of the data. I appreciate that TomTom are not responsible for the Google information, but this review is looking at the whole experience of the GO LIVE 1005 and this was not up to the standard I would expect.


You can also navigate to a recent destination, a point on the map (assuming you know where you want to go), a Lat/Lon co-ordinate or the position of your last stop. There is also a selection of saved locations called favourites that you can save and navigate to.


Route Planning

TomTom's route planning has always been a strong feature of their products. In general they do tend to prefer to navigate via main roads or motorways, in some circumstances this can send you a large number of miles out of the way to find the major roads, but it will normally end up finding the fastest way to a location.




One of my test routes is to navigate to Sudbury in Suffolk from Southend in Essex. Once you reach Chelmsford on the A12 there are a number of ways to get to the town all of which involve narrow country lanes. The obvious route is the A130 then the A131, and indeed this was the preferred route for a lot of the older SatNavs, but it is a winding and slow route on A roads. The new TomToms that use IQ Route software know that you can go up to Colchester on the A12 then cut across country on B roads. It is also a much nicer trip as well.


Now you may not want to go directly from A to B you may want to stop off somewhere on the way. The Go Live 1005 allows you to set your destination then once it has calculated a route you can enter up to 3 stops on the way. This is not much use for a delivery driver that may have 15 drops on his route, but it can be helpful to organise your trip. It should be noted that the stops are not optimised so you will have to order them yourself.


The route planning is now based on IQ Route information as intimated above. This is historical information collected by millions of TomTom SatNav users that provides information about the actual speed of the roads rather than the nominal speed limit of the road. This allows the routing calculations to provide much better routes with accurate arrival times. This is further improved by the addition of TomTom's HD traffic.


Mapping Data

The one thing that is absolutely critical for a SatNav is digital maps. As the name implies the TomTom GO LIVE world has pretty much all the map data that is available pre-loaded in the device. This includes Australia, Europe, New Zealand, SE Asia, Southern Africa, and USA Canada. Interestingly when I looked at the country list for SE Asia it only includes Singapore, State of Brunei and Thailand. Missing are Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan and possibly others.


A SatNav is only as good as it's weakest component, it is no good having the greatest routing engine in the world, but inaccurate maps. Well I am pleased to say that in my testing of the European version of the maps I only found one error. That was in Sudbury where my TomTom keeps wanting me to turn down Weaver's Lane a small paved lane with bollards preventing cars entering. I have since added a MapShare correction and now I do not get routed down the pedestrian thoroughfare.


The same cannot be claimed for the USA mapping. Although most streets I have travelled down are pretty much accurate the attributes associated with the roads are not. In particular the POI information was way out for some locations I tried to navigate to and there is a system of central turning lanes to cross dual carriageways that the TomTom seems to interpret as Y junctions and persistently keeps telling you to stay in the right hand lane. This is obviously a mapping issue as it does not happen at every crossover. It does become extremely tedious after a while though. Again this may be only in certain areas where it is at fault, but obviously work still need to be done here.



The point I am making is that if you have near perfect mapping data in your area then this will be a great device, if not, then it is not so good. This could be the reason that in the UK and most European countries TomTom SatNavs are thought highly of, but there is not quite the same enthusiasm in the USA and other countries.


TomTom HD Traffic

TomTom's HD Traffic is billed as '… a revolution in traffic information offering you the best coverage, the most updates from the best sources…'. Now I know that some people love TomTom's HD Traffic and others hate it (or at least the way it has been modified over the years) so whatever I write is going to be open to a lot of criticism. I will however document my experiences as I found them on this device, which may well be different to others.



TomTom's HD traffic broke the mould when it was introduced a few years ago. Rather than using 'editorial' information (from the Highways Agency), or limited traffic flow information from TrafficMaster, or a relatively small set of active probe samples, TomTom use the signals from mobile phones anonymously tracking their movement. This increases the data input from thousands to many hundreds of thousands of contributors. Combine that with real time information from TomTom's LIVE devices and you get some of the best current traffic data available. So having got an idea of how the traffic is flowing this data is then amalgamated with 'editorial' data from the Highways Agency to provide documented traffic information.



Having got the traffic data on the servers TomTom now have to distribute it and display it on the LIVE devices. This is where the implementation seems to have some users up in arms. A good example of this is that TomTom recently decided to only take into consideration traffic data for a certain distance ahead of you. To a certain extent this sort of makes sense. Unless you are going round the M25 and having arrived at the junction and started going round the M25 you are suddenly hit with a 25 minute delay. It had been there all the time, but was not used in the routing calculations because it was out of range. Had I known about it I would have gone the other way round the M25 avoiding the delay.



I have found that generally the accuracy of the data is very good showing the end of the queue within a few hundred yards of the actual end. What does seem to be a little unreliable though is the estimate of the delay to the journey time. Sometimes I am sitting in traffic and watch the delay start at 5 minutes then grow to 20 minutes.


Other times as I am driving the delays in my journey bounce from 3 minutes to 30 minutes and then back to 5 minutes all within the space of a couple of minutes driving. At other times I have arrived at the back of a queue only to be told a few minutes later that there is a 10 minute delay.





Even more problematical is the 'editorial' data. For a number of years now the M25 around London has been undergoing roadworks for widening to four lanes. This has been continually shown incorrectly over a number of years in the TomTom traffic display. Currently the roadworks are between J29 and J30 but the TomTom traffic shows them as being between J27 and J30. The work between J27 and J29 was completed nearly a year ago! This sort of error is the type of thing that causes people to lose faith in the traffic information, and really that is what traffic data is all about: faith.



Having said that I have recently travelled past the 'roadworks' when there was evening work being carried out, indeed one time coming round the M25 from Heathrow about 50% of the M25 had lane restrictions for night working and these were accurately shown on top of the phantom roadworks. So something is almost right there.


If you always avoid the traffic you have to have faith that there was a problem there in the first place. If you never go near the problem areas you do not know and need to have faith that the data is correct. Anything that calls that faith into question starts to devalue the data. Fortunately there is generally an easy way to restore the faith and that is by observing incidents on the other side of the road. Usually you will find that TomTom does report them correctly on the road, you will see where they start and where they are marked on the map. These will normally agree within a few hundred yards. The problem is the editorial data, which if it does not improve then it may just as well be ignored.



Finally whenever I go on a long trip I seem to suffer from the TomTom spinning 'Wheel of Death'. By this I mean the busy cog icon in the HD Traffic information bar. I am not sure what it is about me, but for some reason I am unable to connect to the TomTom servers when I start a long journey, it happens almost every time. Last week I did a 150 mile trip to Bournmouth and had to wait for 30 minutes into my journey before it picked up any traffic information. This is not the first time it has happened, but at other times when just nipping down to the local shops I get traffic right away.


Social Media integration

Last year Apple announced that it was embracing the brave new world of social media and integrated Twitter into its iOS operating system. It is no big surprise to find other companies following suit. Indeed this is exactly what the TomTom GO LIVE 1005 features. You can configure the SatNav to send tweets informing your followers of the details of your trip.


Starting out when you set your destination you now have a button on the route summary screen to tweet your destination and arrival time. As you drive and your arrival time changes your TomTom will tweet your recalculated arrival time. As you approach your destination another tweet will automatically be sent out, and finally when you arrive you will be prompted to tweet your arrival to the world. some of these messages are configurable so you can type in your own message, based on an existing template. The messages do have the #TomTom hash tag ensuring that everybody interested in TomTom will know of your trip.





Whilst I can see some of you shaking your heads and saying "Why would you want to do that?" others out there in TwitterLand will love the new functionality.


I know this is just a first implementation and therefore it is a little rough around the edges but there are a number of areas that need urgent attention. Firstly the length of time it takes to send a tweet. Although this may not be of great importance it happens in the foreground meaning that the device sits there waiting for the completion and you get no navigation display until it has been sent. This also causes a problem when you arrive. Typically you want to stop the car grab the SatNav and go indoors. You can't, you have to wait a couple of minutes while your tweet is processed. The video above shows it taking 49 seconds to post the tweet having arrived at my destination.


The next issue that I find a problem is that the tweet screen does not respect the nighttime settings. Now this may not seem important to you unless you are driving and approaching your destination when all of a sudden the tweet screen is displayed blinding you to the road outside the car. This is a potentially lethal issue on par with having badly adjusted headlights shining at you.


Expedia Integration

Another LIVE feature is the addition of Expedia content. This is accessible via the LIVE link to TomTom's servers. Essentially what it does is allows you to search Expedia content near your current location, near home, or in a city. On my system only Hotels are available to search for.


Once a list of entries is displayed you can start to drill down to get more information about a facility. The list is managed quite well in that when you have a large number of results to display only the first 2 pages are retrieved, the rest are pulled in as needed.






The first detail page shows a map together with the name of the hotel, user rating, and has access to nearby parking, and to show more information. I also have a "Call" button, but this seems to be permanently greyed out despite having my iPhone paired and checking about 50 different hotels.



As you drill down into the lists the SatNav goes back to the TomTom server to retrieve the information to display. The highest detail provides rate information and a full description of the hotel with the exception of any contact details.




To be honest with the current implementation I don't see why anyone should use the functionality, yes it does give you more details of the hotel but you can't do anything with them, the regular POIs actually have phone details and allow you to call them.


TripAdvisor Integration

In contrast to the Expedia functionality I did find that the TripAdvisor features were much more useful. Trip advisor offers 3 different categories: Hotels, Restaurants, and things to do.




I tried this out in two ways, one sitting in my office writing the review looking for nearby things, and searching for items in the popular tourist city of Bath.


The results in the office were very disappointing. There were no hotels or things to do near me, but it did find a number of restaurants including my local pub. The reality of it is that there is a Premier Inn half a mile away, and Hadleigh Castle less than two miles from me. The former is not on TripAdvisor but the later is.


Moving to the results returned for Bath here things were much more useful. Among the things to do was an annotated city walk, with lots of restaurants and hotels to choose from. These items also returned the user reviews allowing you to make educated decisions about what to do and where to go. In contrast to the Expedia information this more often than not had contact details, though the prices seemed to be quoted in US Dollars.




Updating your TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World


When your TomTom arrives the software and maps will almost certainly be out of date. This is not a big problem! All you need to do is connect the TomTom to your computer, and start MyTomTom. This will look at your device and work out what software and maps are installed and then prompt you to update if required.


MyTomTom can also be used to add other content either from your computer or directly from the TomTom web store. In particular you can add our POIs or Speed Camera Database along with spoken proximity warnings. We will cover the use of TomTom Home in another article.



The TomTom GO LIVE 1005 World is a great device. It has a large screen that is easy to read. The menuing and usage modes are easy to learn and use. The hardware is well designed and manufactured to a high standard.


As you have seen in the review I have a few gripes about a number of features, some are personal preference, but most are small failings with the entire package. The main failing on the hardware side of things is also the main selling point of the 1005: the screen. There were times that the screen was unreadable due to reflections and glare. You can clearly see how reflective it was in the videos, but careful positioning mostly compensated for that. I understand that some things are out of the control of TomTom per se such as the editorial traffic information, but the device is sold incorporating all the data elements and there is an expectation that the data should live up to the high TomTom standard on a device with the TomTom name on it. In particular I think the quality of the mapping data for the USA (Central Florida) needs some work to bring it up to the standards of the European mapping.


I think my main issue with the LIVE service, particularly the new ones, is the speed of the delivery of the content. You can often wait for over a minute for the data to be retrieved from the TomTom servers. This is an area that needs to be improved dramatically particularly in the case of the Twitter functionality where it stops the display of the map and navigation instructions.


Granted the Expedia, Trip Advisor and Twitter features are new and will get better with future software releases, but I was unable to really see a practical use case for the Expedia information. The TripAdvisor information makes a lot more sense, but in some areas the data is sparse, and some things that I have found on the TripAdvisor website I would also expect to find on the TomTom. The Twitter integration is good, especially for the folks addicted to tweetland, but aspects of the interface need to be re-worked. In particular having a bright white screen blind you at night time as you approach your destination is a big safety hazard.


Is this a device I would buy and use in preference to any other? It is TomTom's flagship premium SatNav and compares very favourably to my TomTom GO 940 for my requirements. What is missing is the true World LIVE services, or at least coverage in the USA where I drive more than anywhere else, and for this reason alone I would not buy it.



Manufacturers Web site http://www.tomtom.com
Pocket GPS Contributor

Mike Barrett

Forum Comments:


Posted by MikeB on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:22 pm Reply with quote

Mike Barrett

Posted by M8TJT on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:40 pm Reply with quote

MikeB Wrote:
The second thing noticed is the 'World' tagged onto the end of the product name. This effectively means that rather than regional or a multi-regional mapping the maps cover the entire world (or at least parts of it).
Parts of it. Don't all satnavs have 'parts of it' on them Confused

Posted by MikeB on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:45 pm Reply with quote

M8TJT Wrote:
MikeB Wrote:
The second thing noticed is the 'World' tagged onto the end of the product name. This effectively means that rather than regional or a multi-regional mapping the maps cover the entire world (or at least parts of it).
Parts of it. Don't all satnavs have 'parts of it' on them Confused

That was sarcasm...

The normal SatNavs don't imply that they have maps of the World! The 1005 World does make that claim but doesn't.

Mike Barrett

Posted by Andy_P on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:49 pm Reply with quote

MikeB Wrote:
the GO Live 1005 has a large 5" screen, but not only is it significantly larger it is now a conductive screen rather than a resistive one.

"Capacitive" mike, not "conductive".

Actually a resistive screen is more conductive than a capacitive one! Smile

"Settling in nicely" ;-)

Posted by DennisN on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:53 pm Reply with quote

Surely that's to do with the TomTom splash screen which says you must obey the rules of conduct?


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by MikeB on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:58 pm Reply with quote

Andy_P Wrote:
MikeB Wrote:
the GO Live 1005 has a large 5" screen, but not only is it significantly larger it is now a conductive screen rather than a resistive one.

"Capacitive" mike, not "conductive".

Actually a resistive screen is more conductive than a capacitive one! Smile

Embarassed This IDIOT read that through so many times and missed it... Changed now though.

Mike Barrett

Posted by GerryC on Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:58 pm Reply with quote

Probably around 10 years ago (reviews were dated 2000) I had a Garmin eMap which had a base map of the world built in. It could get you between towns fine - just not down to the street level. Country maps seemed to link into it OK.

I do wonder why it seems to be impossible to offer the same nowadays.


Cameralert for Android
Brodit ProClip mount

Posted by MikeB on Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:03 pm Reply with quote

GerryC Wrote:
Probably around 10 years ago (reviews were dated 2000) I had a Garmin eMap which had a base map of the world built in. It could get you between towns fine - just not down to the street level. Country maps seemed to link into it OK.

I do wonder why it seems to be impossible to offer the same nowadays.


IIRC (from a long time ago) The Garmin eMAP didn't route automatically. Parts of the basemap were little more than POI locations rather than having roads. Much better now though.

Mike Barrett

Posted by M8TJT on Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:08 pm Reply with quote

MikeB Wrote:
M8TJT Wrote:
MikeB Wrote:
The second thing noticed is the 'World' tagged onto the end of the product name. This effectively means that rather than regional or a multi-regional mapping the maps cover the entire world (or at least parts of it).
Parts of it. Don't all satnavs have 'parts of it' on them Confused

That was sarcasm...

The normal SatNavs don't imply that they have maps of the World! The 1005 World does make that claim but doesn't.
They will be claiming that HD traffic works in the UK next Rolling Eyes

Posted by dhn on Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:02 pm Reply with quote

They've just made a deal to have HD in China in 2013. See here:

Can getting the horizon fixed in the UK be far behind? Twisted Evil


Posted by avdl1999 on Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:54 am Reply with quote

I notice you say this 1005 Live model uses TT Home to update etc.

I thought these new devices use the woeful MyTomTom software.

Did you actually successfully connect this device during your review?

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