The Three Most Pointless UK Speed Cameras
Article by: robert Date: 13 Feb 2010
The Daily Mail has published an article today reporting on the most pointless UK speed cameras as compiled by PocketGPSWorld.com.
First on the list is Euston Rd, Central London suggested by site member "wonka" which is easily one of the most congested roads in Britain, yet still has a speed camera in place.
In second place, suggested by cliveports, is the camera in Portsmouth situated on the dual carriageway leading onto the M275. This camera is positioned at the start of a motorway, so everyone on the dual carriageway (leading into the M275) starts hitting the brakes when they see it causing a domino effect of traffic problems.
In third place comes a mobile camera in Hull suggested by user "SHC". This camera is positioned at the bottom of a long sweeping downhill dual carriage-way flyover, with a slip road at the bottom coming in from your left. The van is parked just around the bend 200 yards before the road becomes 70mph from 40mph. Hence, three lanes of traffic feed into two with the Camera just visible as you start to hit the downhill section. Traffic on the two lane section is looking to see whether there is a camera there or not and those on the slip road are simply trying to filter in, creating a safety hazard.
A free year's membership will be winging its way to both wonka, cliveports and SHC in appreciation of their suggestions.
Posted by wonka on Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:17 pm |
Great news! Looking forward to downloading the speed cam DB.
I was working near Euston station about a year ago, and used to walk past that speed camera every day, and had a good chuckle. Whoever sited that must have a good sense of humour. I don't think I've ever known that road to be free of jams.
So when I saw the competition I had no doubts about which one to submit.
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Posted by Sean16v on Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:23 pm |
Regarding the speed camera at the situated on the dual carriageway leading onto the M275 if every motorist that drives along the Mile End Road leading up to the M275 sat at the 40mph limit there wouldn't need to be one there at all, but most motorist are already doing well over that limit hence why there's a domino effect of traffic because they are already doing far more than the 40mph limit when they reach the camera, then as soon as they past the camera most motorist are again already breaking the next speed limit of 50mph and also at the 60mph limit, tbh the Mile End Road and the start of the M275 is one place where spec camera are needed as there are to many bully boys speeding up behind others forcing them to speed up or move over because there are in a rush. Just to clear why a camera was put there in the first place it was a drunk man decided to cross over Mile End Road and was hit and killed by a car which wasn't speeding, the drunk man didn't use the crossing that was there but it gave the council all they needed to put one in.
Posted by wonka on Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:39 pm |
By the way, I read the Daily Mail earlier today and saw no article on speed cameras - anyone got a link?
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Posted by tilt on Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:15 am |
They have added new signs now but just over 3 years ago I was caught by the camera just before the entrance to the M275. I the driver was in a 40 looking forward to a 50 sign just yards ahead with Mway signage ahead of that yet in the capture zone of a 40 mph gatso/truvelo (can't rem which) 3 lanes to my left.
Now I think there are loads of signs warning that the 40 limit is sill active and speed camera monitored.
I think its actually installed to provide safe merging from a slip road at that point....am sure there is a better way.
TomTom450 |
Posted by RobBrady on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:25 am |
wonka Wrote: | By the way, I read the Daily Mail earlier today and saw no article on speed cameras - anyone got a link? |
It's within Ray Massey's motoring column on page 88. I haven't found it online yet.
Robert Brady |
Posted by themoonismadeofbluecheese on Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:49 am |
We in Chester have a speed camera with a 60mph limit on the approach to a bend 300yrds before the city 30mph limit. It is located at the junction of the A548 Sealand Road and Western Avenue Chester.
Drivers who are not aware of the true speed limit here slam on the brakes and go past the camera at 30mph causing tailbacks.
However on the Lache Lane/Kinnerton Road in Chester, at CH4 has on a three mile stretch a new limit that goes 60mph,40mph,50mph,30mph,40mph,60mph. It is a country road with few houses. It is almost impossible to keep up with it. Prior to the speed limit the road had a 60mph limit with one 40mph limit past some houses. There have bee no deaths or serious injuries on this road since 1998.
Work that out if you can.
Posted by daveportsmouth on Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:30 pm |
The M275 camera does not go off in the outside lane,
Posted by InDeNiaL on Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:30 pm |
RobBrady Wrote: | In third place comes a mobile camera in Hull suggested by user "SHC". This camera is positioned at the bottom of a long sweeping downhill dual carriage-way flyover, with a slip road at the bottom coming in from your left. The van is parked just around the bend 200 yards before the road becomes 70mph from 40mph. Hence, three lanes of traffic feed into two with the Camera just visible as you start to hit the downhill section. Traffic on the two lane section is looking to see whether there is a Camera there or not and those on the slip road are simply trying to filter in, creating a safety hazard. |
Oh that has to be the Mobile that sits on Clive Sullivan Way just before St Andrews Quay surely?! Don't live in Hull anymore, but I did always think it was a pointless place to put the van. They hid behind a footbridge... so by the time most people saw it was too late as they were accerlating into the national.
Posted by FourWinds5000 on Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:47 pm |
themoonismadeofbluecheese Wrote: | ......However on the Lache Lane/Kinnerton Road in Chester, at CH4 has on a three mile stretch a new limit that goes 60mph,40mph,50mph,30mph,40mph,60mph. It is a country road with few houses. It is almost impossible to keep up with it. Prior to the speed limit the road had a 60mph limit with one 40mph limit past some houses. There have bee no deaths or serious injuries on this road since 1998.
Work that out if you can. | So ask.... You are permitted to ask and they should make a response (probably blaming previous authorities)
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