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Telmap Display Mobile Location Companion at MWC 2012

Article by: maft
Date: 1 Mar 2012

Mobile Word Congress 2012, Barcelona. Israeli outfit Telmap have been showing off their latest 'Mobile Location Companion' - much more than just navigation software. The update boasts improved map functionality, smoother and faster scrolling as well as 3D landmarks as an aid.

The users locality is a key element to this latest update which allows you to find and book restaurant tables and read Trip Advisor reviews. Telmap also have their Streetips user community where you can create a profile and, like with Waze, report traffic jams and police traps.

Other features include 'find my car', additional voices and traffic. Telmap are primarily a white label company so the software is only available rebranded as, for example, Orange Maps (France), Vodafone Find & Go (UK) and Telmap Navigator Powered by O2 (Germany). All versions will have the new features deployed gradually.

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Posted by MikeB on Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:44 pm Reply with quote

Telmap show us some of the new features that they have implemented in their latest version of the Location Companion navigation software.

Mike Barrett

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