TeleNav Provides Insight Into American GPS Usage
Article by: robert Date: 12 Mar 2010
TeleNav, one of the largest providers of location based services (LBS), have revealed that outside of the standard A to B satnav routing, Walmart is the most searched for destination while driving on US roads.
Starbucks came in a close second, followed by more large retailers, Target and Best Buy. Bank of America took fifth spot.
Contrary to what the rest of the world may believe, burger bars are not the most popular driver destination for Americans. TeleNav's search data shows that pizzas are the most sought after food category. Chinese food came in second with burgers managing a perhaps surprising third.
TeleNav analysed the national GPS search data of their navigation product users in December 2009. The data was collected anonymously.
Posted by MaFt on Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:31 pm |
not that i'm cynical or anything but...
what if the back-end POI data was poor and users ended up searching twice for 'Walmart' cos the initial search took them to the wrong location... they then assume they had typed it wrong, search again for 'Walmart' only to see that yes, this is where the (wrong) POI data is located...
a situation like that wouldn't be uncommon - just look at the TeleAtlas petrol station POIs!! - and that would clearly skew the results!
Posted by Kar98 on Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:36 pm |
Couple of random points.
1, what's a burger bar? A fast food joint?
2, I've got my suspicions that the searches for pizza places might very well be the searches from pizza delivery drivers trying to find their way back to base. Because, really, nobody goes /out/ for pizza. You get it delivered.