Sygic Navigation Hits 5 Million Downloads on Android
Article by: maft Date: 20 Feb 2012
 Sygic have announced that over the last weekend they reached a massive milestone - 5 million downloads from the Android Market within a single year!
To celebrate the milestone they have a sale on where you can pick up the UK & Ireland version for £13.49, the European version for £34.99 as well as many other countries and regions. The Android options and prices can be found here: http://www.sygic.com/en/android:buy-now
Skobbler have just announced that they are ceasing development of their app on the Android platform but it doesn't seem like Sygic are planning on leaving any time soon.
We have, for a long time, had a good relationship with Sygic (as you can probably see from the number of apps they have offered as prizes) and we wish them all the best for the coming months and years.
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Posted by xtraseller on Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:13 am |
For me this is one of those systems that are good - but not quite there
Poor routing choices for me (compared to TomTom or Navman), and - why do they all do it - small text and buttons
Impressive 3D building offering, and reasonable lane guidance system stand out though
Nearly there - lets hope they invest some of that £ in perfecting their offering soon
For me, Co-Pilot is the Android navigation system of choice. More basic but solid reliability compared to the others. And none quite match a PND. Yet.
TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps |
Posted by TieJustice on Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:44 am |
I have been Looking at the iPhone and iPad from the same company.
NOT GOOD there are a lot of bad reviews and complaints about there help and support service.
extras will cost you extra per a year.
so not looking good if you have a iPhone or iPad.
see for your self at iTunes store
Posted by xtraseller on Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:15 am |
Actually its better than most of the reviews give it credit, and cost per year is expected for things like Live Traffic, Speed Cams, Etc. IF YOU WANT THEM
I was just stating that phonenav's are not quite there with PNDs for easy touch control, and most robust, reliable service
Co-pilot is as close as you will get (except perhaps iPhone with TomTom which I haven't tried), and actually quite good. But not a PND all the same
TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps |
Posted by FrequentFlyer on Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:54 am |
Agree woith most comments...still a bit flacky on the routing...cannot be relied upon with 100% accurancy....and how do you do an 'alternative' route while driving (as I know the way it is suggesting to be toatlly out of the way) ?
Posted by peterc10 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:41 am |
Am I the only one to think that the reviews on both iphone app store and Android Market are often very poor. It seems to me that most modern smartphones are simply too smart for some (many) users, and you get the most stupid rubbish written about them. It must be really frustrating for the app's developers, when what they are complaining about is due to their own stupidity.
And then there is the "I don't want to pay for an app" brigade, who conveniently forget just how much they paid (or are paying) for their device. So they download Sygic (which clearly states it is time limited demo only and you will need to pay for maps) and then give it one star when they are asked to pay. The "everything should be free (except for my stuff)" hypocrites.
Don't believe me? Just look at some of the rubbish written about CamerAlert.
HTC Sensation
Sygic GPS for Europe (No more TT "support"!)
Copilot for USA
Bury CC9060 bluetooth car kit & Brodit mount |
Posted by johnayre1 on Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:55 pm |
I have to agree that sygic support is useless, I actually likes the software that I have and paid sygic for the latest maps.
Only thing is I need an activation code Ipaid over a week ago and opened a ticket also my requests have been ignored.
Posted by walkerx on Sat May 10, 2014 10:58 pm |
if you purchased via play store then shouldn't need a code - but if purchased direct from them it will require the code
I stopped using the app due to them constantly adding new features and bringing in more bugs, than fixing the bugs that were already in it before adding newer features
Posted by aj2052 on Sun May 11, 2014 9:05 pm |
Current Android Sygic version gives free maps:
➤Free Updates: maps, premium POI, speed cams
➤3D Cities & Landscape for easy orientation
Maps are downloaded and updated within the app
Moto G5s Plus, Sygic 17.4.8 |
Posted by peterc10 on Fri May 23, 2014 10:25 pm |
aj2052 Wrote: | Current Android Sygic version gives free maps:
➤Free Updates: maps, premium POI, speed cams
➤3D Cities & Landscape for easy orientation
Maps are downloaded and updated within the app |
Maps on the fee version are time limited (or at least navigation with them is). Once you have bought the maps they have free updates for life, but the maps are not free.
HTC Sensation
Sygic GPS for Europe (No more TT "support"!)
Copilot for USA
Bury CC9060 bluetooth car kit & Brodit mount |
Posted by Fellwalker on Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:48 pm |
From the Google Play store
7 July 2014
10,000,000 - 50,000,000
Current Version
And this is BEFORE the update that is coming - see the iPhone version details here http://www.sygic.com/static/nui/
Please can we have downloads of speed cams and POIs in RUPI format, instead of always having to go through the converter? This makes me dread updating my POIs, when it should be a straightforward procedure.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Nexus 5, Galaxy tab S3. Also use OSMAnd+, Sygic Mobile Maps, and OS maps app. Also "Great Britain Topo Maps" and "Old Maps". Don't use speed camera database as sticking to the limit is safer. |
Posted by peterc10 on Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:21 pm |
Fellwalker Wrote: |
Please can we have downloads of speed cams and POIs in RUPI format, instead of always having to go through the converter? This makes me dread updating my POIs, when it should be a straightforward procedure. |
Second that one too.
HTC Sensation
Sygic GPS for Europe (No more TT "support"!)
Copilot for USA
Bury CC9060 bluetooth car kit & Brodit mount |
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