Sygic Mobile Maps Europe Updated
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 24 Feb 2010
Sygic have rolled out an update to Mobile Maps Europe for iPhone.
This update, provided free to existing customers, contains a number of changes to the user interface enabling pinch to zoom, menu animations, music playback and contacts integration.
In addition, traffic has been incorporated although it is not yet operational. This will be activated as soon as the service has been launched. Likewise, Google Local Search and weather are two additional features that are ready and awaiting the go-ahead for activation.
The application can be purchased and downloaded from the iTunes AppStore here.
Posted by zebsogo on Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:47 pm |
I have Sygic UK & Ireland. Would I be correct in assuming it will also have the new features
Navigon 92 Premium Live,TomTom Go 6000,Garmin 2699 LTM-D and a TomTom Go 1005 Live ( For the wife )
Posted by scarymonkey on Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:56 pm |
UK got the update a while ago (to ver8 I believe).
Now if Sygic would only remember there is a world outside of the iPhone and update the app for other platforms too - after all most of these also pay more for the app then iPhone users have.
Vince Marsters |
Posted by Fellwalker on Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:12 am |
As a winmobile user, it is frustrating how iPhone has taken over the mobile world. We've a more open platform, overall more powerful, but because it is spread across so many form factors, software writers are less inclined to write for it. I really don't want an iPhone but it does sadly have a certain attraction.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Nexus 5, Galaxy tab S3. Also use OSMAnd+, Sygic Mobile Maps, and OS maps app. Also "Great Britain Topo Maps" and "Old Maps". Don't use speed camera database as sticking to the limit is safer. |