Sygic Mobile 2009 (iPhone) Has Been Updated
Article by: maft Date: 22 Sep 2009
The regional versions of Sygic's iPhone navigation app have just been updated to 7.71.4. New features include fading in/out of music for voice prompts, navigate to contacts, improved GPS lock, increased font size for street names and information bar, smoother scrolling of the maps during navigation and the removal of the disclaimer acceptance after a phone call (but not all the time by the looks of things).
We are still waiting for the Europe version to be updated but once it is we will get the iPhone Navigation App Comparison Chart updated once again! Now, why can't all devices get as many updates and new feature additions as the iPhone apps have been getting?!
Posted by mikealder on Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:12 pm |
News Team Wrote: | Now, why can't all devices get as many updates and new feature additions as the iPhone apps have been getting?! |
+1 for that statement, but I guess you might have read that somewhere else - It will be nice to try the update once available as Sygic is still the only iPhone application that offers full compatibility with the Speed Camera Database from this site (even though it does require a JB iPhone to appreciate whats on offer) - Mike
Posted by MaFt on Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:34 am |
Europe app update is now in the app store (and yes, there was a bit of plagiarism in their milke, sorry! )
Posted by anothergpsmike on Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:44 am |
If of any interest, I've done it. Long time to download as usual and had to clear some music off to make room for the loader etc. to get onto phone. No room, then switch off music sync - still says no room, then sync again and it goes, then re-sync muics music. And of course long time to sync - but interestingly, it appears to start the sync halfway through the file (going on the status bar) - so maybe its only loading updated files, but even so that may include some maps?.
Of course it wipes the pgpsw database on my JB and my own custom POI's but that was quick to reload. Also had to redo the hack to get rid of the start-up warning. But alls back on now and working fine.
Only worry at first was that the update would need OS 3.1 because some app updates coming through from the store do. But its fine.
Posted by Zookeeper on Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:54 am |
I've done it too, but where are the updated features???
Now with text-to-speech - voice guidance announcing the name of the next street or road (specific regions only)
The UK isn't one of those specific areas as I have yet to hear it announce a sreet or road name.
Choose addresses straight from your iPhone contacts and navigate to
That doesn't work at all but it does in TomTom and Co-Pilot from the same Outlook imported/synched contact list.
Music playback fades out smoothly so you can better hear the voice instructions
That works
Improved GPS lock, now faster than ever
I beg to differ as it is still the slowest app I have used to get a positive location fix.
No disclaimer warning message after completion of phone call
That also doesn't work
Great looking new icon though for "Contacts" but what does it do apart from being a link to an "Address not found or empty" message?
To me it is more like a Beta version has been released by mistake and some poor soul at Sygic is now looking for a new job as there is no update of sorts detectable here. Tacky is a word that suits this scenario and I know Devs don't like that word but they haven't verified their update before release and it is their own fault. Kinda like MS with ME and Vista - So when is SP2 going to be available Sygic?
"We implemented a whole bunch of features suggested by you"
Embarrassing for Sygic if nothing else as they might listen but they don't implement things correctly to improve their product. Who are they actually listening to for suggestions? Possibly its a double agent working for TomTom or Co-Pilot or even Navigon?
The comments so far in the iPhone App Store say it all.
I have to laugh as I just can't believe it...
Posted by anothergpsmike on Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:56 am |
Right I'm going to give it a good runaround. Like the guy on the iTunes review, I find the Contacts works fine for some addresses but not for others. I sync from Outlook too and it might be the exact format of the address i.e. is the address just free format in the box or does it have the e.g. county in the state/province and the postcode in the zip/postcode box. Outlook doesn't always show this. Either way its a big pain.
(edit)even before I started. The contacts bit - contact address must be the same as if you were entering the address i.e. my son lives Barkingside, Ilford, Essex. Address finding, Ilford then street. Contact address with B'side doesn't work with Sygic, just Ilford does. When it confirms the address it gives the number range in the postcode. I think its something to do with "post office preferred" addressing(end of edit)
Did find the lock working faster though esp. the first when it changes from some place in Italy . .
Posted by emad on Fri May 28, 2010 1:27 pm |
i need map of iraq for sygic or tom tom or nokia map and how i can contact with teleatlas to make map for iraq pleas help me and i wait your reply