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Speed Camera Catches Queensland Police Commissioner

Article by: Darren Griffin
Date: 15 Feb 2012

An Australian Police Commissioner has been left with egg on his face after being snapped by a Brisbane speed camera.

Queensland Police boss Bob Atkinson was caught doing 70kph in a 60kph zone on February 3rd whilst driving his service issue car in Kangaroo Point. PocketGPSWorld database subscribers will note that we have this camera recorded in our database, GATSO:54560@60.

Whilst Mr Atkinson has said he has no excuse for the speeding offence which resulted in a AUS $133 fine and one demerit point, police unions have blamed the speed limits themselves, claiming there are too many variations throughout the city with 45, 50, 60, 70 and 80 kph zones which require extra vigilance by drivers.

It's hard to believe that other drivers would receive sympathy if they offered that reason as an excuse though!

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Posted by TieJustice on Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:42 pm Reply with quote

He should know better, and that extra vigilance he is being paid to be vigilance that's his job? Reminds me of the Brit cops only see what they want to see.

Is there a driver speed awareness corse in OZ like the 47.000+ taken each year in the uk.

Posted by Dover on Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:36 am Reply with quote

In South Australia it would have cost him $252 plus vic/crime fee & licence points.


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