Speed Awareness Courses To Pay For Speed Cameras
Article by: robert Date: 3 Jan 2011
The Mail Online has reported on new plans to raise revenue under the speed awareness scheme which involves sending speeding drivers off to one-day safe driving courses.
As things stand, getting caught speeding will set you back £60 and three penalty points on your license. Under the new scheme, drivers would be able to choose to avoid getting points on their license. Instead, they would take a one-day road safety awareness course, which would set them back £100.
A third of this money would go to councils to keep their local speed cameras running.
Under the plan, motorists found breaking the speed limit by less than 10 percent, plus 9 miles per hour, would be offered the choice between the points and the fine, or the more expensive awareness course, and no points on their license, provided they weren't repeat offenders.
The new scheme has gained the support of police forces in a dozen counties, and more are expected to speak up for the plan as further speed cameras are being turned off due to lack of funds. The plan, if the scheme goes through, is to have all the moth-balled cameras back on by April of this year, provided the agreement is made by the end of January.
The president of the AA, Edmund King, has come out in support of the proposal, and has also been quoted as saying that he thinks motorists in general will be in support of it, since they still have access to the cheaper option. Though given that this is essentially undisguised revenue raising, this speculation could be up for a very harsh test from the general public.
Posted by Trevor on Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:49 pm |
Wrong Mr AA man. Taking the points on your licence is not the cheaper option. Next time you renew your insurance there will be a difference between telling them you have 3 points for speeding to telling them you have 0 points. If you have the money you can avoid the points. One law for those with money another law for those who cannot afford it.
Also who is going to be the fat cat company who is going to make more money out of the motorist by pocketing the £66 for running the course, perhaps the AA are looking for the work.
I would also like to know why councils have anything to do with Speed Cameras. Speeding is a legal issue of breaking a Law and should only be dealt with by the police leaving the council to concentrate on cutting grass verges and emptying bins.
Posted by spook51 on Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:53 am |
Trevor Wrote: |
I would also like to know why councils have anything to do with Speed Cameras. Speeding is a legal issue of breaking a Law and should only be dealt with by the police leaving the council to concentrate on cutting grass verges and emptying bins. |
Law enforcement is not just the police's business, far from it. You may wish to research which laws are enforced by which agencies.
Posted by M8TJT on Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:25 am |
Trevor Wrote: | If you have the money you can avoid the points. One law for those with money another law for those who cannot afford it. | But it's 'only' £40 (and a day off work) to keep your licence clean. Perhaps the less well off should not speed if they can't afford the consequences
Posted by Andy_P on Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:24 am |
Only joshing, M8.
(But your CCTV face-recognition picture has been sent to Revolutionary Brigade HQ for 'processing', just in case....)
"Settling in nicely" ;-) |
Posted by M8TJT on Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:32 am |
Find Andy_P here 
Posted by Guivre46 on Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:41 pm |
Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny subject to control orders?
Mike R [aka Wyvern46]
Go 530T - unsupported
Go550 Live [not renewed]
Kia In-dash Tomtom |
Posted by whiteshark on Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:52 pm |
Who benifits from the revenue from these speed awareness courses, have'nt you guessed, it is the AOCPO, there nice little company they are running, read the MCN they have investigated it.
It is in the Police's interest to keep all the cameras going.
Not the AA, who seem to take everything laying down.
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