Salfords Speeding Motorists Clock Up 500000 Over 3 Years
Article by: rob brady Date: 17 Feb 2012
 With more than 21,000 motorists caught by just eleven cameras over a three year period, Salford motorists have been charged in excess of £500,000 for speeding.
In total, £540,480 was shelled out by the motorists between 2009 and 2011, with 10,391 of those caught attending speed awareness courses and 1,627 appearing in court for their actions.
The most prolific camera caught 3,233 drivers over the three year period, whilst the least active snapped just 18 motorists.
Speaking on the use of speed cameras within areas such as this, Karen Delaney from Drivesafe explained; "Cameras are put in due to the number of collisions and the severity of those collisions"
She said that the use of cameras was also a "last resort" used after authorities had "exhausted all other options such as improving signage and road markings."