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A council has rejected a demand for speed cameras along a stretch of the A6.
Over 400 concerned citizens signed a petition calling for more safety measures in the Derbyshire village Furness Vale, but the local council says the road is not dangerous enough.
The siting of fixed speed cameras usually requires there to have been at least three collisions with people either killed or seriously injured in the past three years. There have been seven injuries in two years along the stretch, with only one classed as serious.
A related council report stated: "The serious injury collision involved a cyclist riding off the pavement into an HGV. The slight injury collisions were: two rear end shunts, two involved drivers pulling out erroneously into moving traffic, one was the result of a driver having a medical episode and one was a lorry brushing past a driver getting into their car in the live running lane. According to police data, none of these have been considered as involving excessive speed."
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