PocketGPSWorld Podcast Pilot Show 001
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 5 Oct 2011

We mentioned some time ago that we were planning to record a trial podcast and I'm delighted to say that we have finally done just that.
Last week Maft and I recorded our pilot show and I've now published it.
The pilot was in essence a practice run so we could get some experience of the process and check the recording levels etc. If we decided to go ahead with a regular show we hope to bring in guests and interview key industry players.
Anyway, Show 001, which is 20mins long can be streamed via the link. If you wish to save the .mp3 file, right-click and choose 'Save As' to download to your desktop.

Get The Show here
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Posted by Andy_P on Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:30 pm |
It's so good, you told us twice!
I'm guessing it's meant to be audio only?
When I clicked on the link to the stream, my browser window had what looked like a video player in it but without any video. I chased around for a bit trying to work out why it wasn't working, before I finally looked at the URL where it said it was an mp3.
"Settling in nicely" ;-) |
Posted by Darren on Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:38 pm |
Not sure how the duplicate happened there, now fixed. It's an audio podcast, I don't think anyone's ready for video 
Darren Griffin |
Posted by Andy_P on Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:43 pm |
True enough!
Nice professional sounding opening (Fx, music etc.)
Maybe sounding a bit "boxy" for the main content? -some blankets or heavy curtains should help that a lot.
Also, dare I say a touch of the Ed Millibands? You got a cold? I don't remember you sounding like that "in the flesh"!
"Settling in nicely" ;-) |
Posted by Darren on Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:57 pm |
All good suggestions. There is too much echo, I think I've got a handle on that now. I'm not sure why I sound so nasally, I don't have a cold but I thought much the same, odd!
Had some issues with mine and Maft's volumes being quite different so needed to adjust in post. Something I will need to keep an eye on if there is a next time!
Realistically though, as long as we can ensure the content is worth listening to, I can overlook some of the production values, it's never going to be BBC
It's one of those things that you think "how hard can it be?" and then you try it and realise! We've got lots of stuff we'd like to discuss in future shows and I think there are topics that work well in a podcast format which would not be as easy to cover in a forum. It'd be nice to devote a show to speed cameras perhaps and the behind the scenes work done by the verifiers. Might even be nice to have one or more of the verifiers on to provide some insight perhaps?
Ideally I think a 1hr show every few weeks would be do'able.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by matthewj on Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:24 pm |
Apart from the lack of the iTunes link the mp3 is marked as music, and not as a podcast. This will affect which list is appears, and also I think it automatically then remembers the position, but I set that option too (otherwise it restarts anytime it is played). Also, artwork (site logo or something) would be good too. If you really push the boat out, you can add text notes and chapters, but that's beyond the minimum.
Not listened to it yet. Will report back.
Hope it goes well though.
Posted by Darren on Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:31 pm |
We haven't gone through the process of submitting to iTunes yet but I'm working through that now. I've already done the artwork etc. I presume the Podcast/Music bit is in the ID tags is it?
As we'll be offering it through a number of channels (not everyone has or uses iTunes), we need to keep some of the more iTunes specific stuff to a minimum.
Darren Griffin |
Posted by MaFt on Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:08 pm |
Andy_P Wrote: | It's so good, you told us twice!
I'm guessing it's meant to be audio only?
When I clicked on the link to the stream, my browser window had what looked like a video player in it but without any video. I chased around for a bit trying to work out why it wasn't working, before I finally looked at the URL where it said it was an mp3.
Doh! |
Probably a plugin issue? From memory Quicktime plugin shows the whole shebang regardless of whether it is playing audio or video.
Posted by DennisN on Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:12 pm |
Congratulations - you got me to do Podcast for the very first time ever!
I have never done it before, so I have no previous to compare with, so here's two penn'orth....
First penn'orth, when I ckicked it, it went to "Transferring from pgpsw" and the little thing went round and round. And round and round. And round and round. I'm talking so long that it never did stop going round and round, because I got fed up of waiting and hit the Stop button (Speed test says 27992Kbps download - I'm paying for "Up to 30MB"). Whereupon it showed as having loaded most of the temperature bar and started to play, but stopped a couple of times.
Second penn'orth, Darren, please stop speaking so fast. I personally have to concentrate really hard to keep up with what you're saying.
I know nothing about technical stuff, so you get what I can comment on, namely a dumbo listener who knows nothing and is listening simply as a listener, not a sound or software engineer. Without intending to insult your efforts (and as a dumbo, I genuinely do sit in awe of what you lot do), I have to say I hope it changes when you move beyond trial and error version. On this one, I'm sorry, but you're going home, not to boot camp. 
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
Posted by DennisN on Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:34 pm |
Third penn'orth. I went back and tried it again after posting the above. This time it seemed to download in a couple of seconds, so maybe I'd had a funny.
Anyway, balance of volume between the two voices was off - maft nice and clear, Darren like he was at the other side of the room. It seemed to get worse as it progressed and by the time the temperature was two thirds along, Darren was virtually inaudible (I couldn't catch some of the sticky mount stuff).
Fourth penn'orth. Then it faded out completely and died. Moving the round blob forwards and backwards along the temperature gauge only gave me more silence. Is this me, or you?
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
Posted by Darren on Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:34 pm |
No idea why you had the download issue, it should start streaming straight away in the browser, works fine for me and others who tested it.
I've just played the whole file from the browser and it's all there and all audible so I'm not going to dwell on that. Try downloading it instead?
I'll try and talk more slowly, hadn't realised I did but, aside from that, what else was it that earnt the 'fail' score?
Darren Griffin |
Posted by DennisN on Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:47 pm |
Darren Wrote: | I'll try and talk more slowly, hadn't realised I did but, aside from that, what else was it that earnt the 'fail' score? |
In truth (assuming my issue with it stopping etc is a hiccup - and I am using wireless router, no cable), my issue was entirely presentation. As in XFactor, you have to learn to speak more clearly for me - your "normal conversational speed" is probably too fast for me in the flesh, never mind over the airwaves. I acknowledge my hearing is not necessarily the best and I find male voices more difficult than sharper female ones. But I also got words like "cama" and sentences which died out on the end words.
I think I'm being cruel sending you home - I think you've got potential, come to bootcamp and we'll try to give you broadcast language training.
Repeat, I have no previous with blog stuff - maybe "normal conversation" is what they are about?
If it tastes good - it's fattening.
Two of them are obesiting!! |
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