Pocket GPS Partners With Where 2.0 Conference
PocketGPSWorld.com is delighted to have been chosen as Media Partner for the prestigious Where 2.0 Conference, May 19-21, 2009 in San Jose.
With an expected attendance of over 800, the Where 2.0 Conference provides a environment for the business community to interact with developers who are influencing location-aware technology. The event presents itself as a leader for trends rather than a chaser.
Now in its fifth year, the conference is tagged "Where Can Location Technology Go Next?". Organisations attempting to answer that question at the event are TomTom, Google, Yahoo!, OpenStreetMap, New York Times, United States Air Force, Nokia and MIT.
Some of the questions and issues to be addressed include:
* Web mapping platforms and open source bring location based analysis, interfaces, and data to every application. What are the unique opportunities and pitfalls of these new tools?
* What products are out there, and how are the best ones identified? How will they fit within an existing organization?
* What are the steps to adoption of these new location-aware technologies?
* What role do standards play in this space?
* How are other companies using geo application and technologies and what have they learned?
* Who are the leading technology developers and what have they built that we can use?
* What can reasonably be expected of Where 2.0 technology in the near future?
Where 2.0 2009 encompasses a full day of workshops followed by two days of plenary sessions featuring a combination of high profile keynotes with big players, panel discussions, demos, product launches and Q&As.
One keynote speaker, Danny Sullivan is an old friend of PocketGPSWorld.com. Regarded by many as the World's foremost authority on search engines such as Google and Yahoo, he will tackle issues surrounding location based search. He will address questions such as should Google allow individuals to block their homes from Street View? How do you balance listing brick-and-mortar stores along with virtual outlets? Do we need a master control panel to clear location tracking from all our apps – and what they’ve stored on their servers?
Visit Where 2.0 Conference for full details.
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