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Only 1 in 8 UK Drivers Trust their SatNav

Article by: robert
Date: 10 Aug 2010

pocketgpsworld.comAccording to new research, only one in eight UK motorists trust their SatNav to take them to the right destination and 30% of drivers said that their satnav had caused arguments with fellow passengers.

Manheim Auctions commissioned a survey of 3,000 drivers and found that over a third of respondents had got 'completely lost' following their satnav's intructions.

The poll also revealed that 15% of respondents blamed their satnavs for them missing important events such as job interviews or weddings.
Posted by DennisN on Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:46 pm Reply with quote

What a load of rubbish! I haven't used my box of street maps since I got my first TomTom in 2005.

I have been "misled" less times than I could count on the fingers of one hand (I'm struggling to think of more than two, but surely there must have been?). I'm not a low mileage driver - last week I took delivery of my new van and promptly did 2,000 easy miles in the first five days. I guess I've done well in excess of a quarter of a million successful miles care of my satnavs.

I would not dispute that the satnavs sometimes ask me to take "wrong" or "illegal" routes, but I take my eyes and brain with me when I go out and even then the satnavs still get me there.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by JimmyTheHand on Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:14 pm Reply with quote

DennisN Wrote:
I have been "misled" less times than I could count on the fingers of one hand

I can think of a one off top of my head - but was awake to it taking me wrong - when I got home, I found it had reset my home location to where I had gone the day before (must have been it - no way I would have made a mistake ;) ) - fortuantely was just trying to avoid a road block and it got me on track

I suspect for most people the issue is - they don't trust something they don't understand and of course it is IT which is akin to magic to a lot of people


Posted by Guivre46 on Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:19 pm Reply with quote

Well it's nuts just to lie back and expect your TT to take you were you expect to go. If I'm going to a place I've never been before, I'll double check the destination against a map - and that's not completely fool-proof [me-proof] either.

Mike R [aka Wyvern46]
Go 530T - unsupported
Go550 Live [not renewed]
Kia In-dash Tomtom

Posted by DennisN on Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:46 pm Reply with quote

Guivre46 Wrote:
Well it's nuts just to lie back and expect your TT to take you were you expect to go.

Embarassed That's me, yer 'Onor. But I do like to have a look at Google Maps if I have time before I leave - Streetview shows me where the door is and if there are double yellows or pedestrian zones etc. 'Course, now I have an iPhone I can look at Streetview anytime I can park up.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by mikealder on Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:09 pm Reply with quote

With two units in the car today for a long distance run to North Scotland it was interesting to see both NT and TA supplied mapping make an identical error, both units would have got me to where I was going (in fact I didn't really need a nav unit to get to my destination as its becoming a regular trip).
Try Avimore to Elgin, why do the units route via Carr Bridge taking you off the more direct higher speed bypass that was built over 8 years ago - Needless to say both units were ignored - I appreciate this is a mapping error in the highlands of Scotland but for it to apply to both mapping suppliers in the same way I found quite strange considering how long the small sectionn of new road has been open - Mike

Posted by M8TJT on Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:20 pm Reply with quote

mikealder Wrote:
Try Avimore to Elgin, why do the units route via Carr Bridge
I did. It didn't. 'It' being Igo8. It took me the direct route Very Happy

Posted by Radeon12345 on Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:31 am Reply with quote

I have done 45,000 miles since I have had my car back in 2005 and I have used TomTom, Copilot and iGo.

I have never made a major mistake on a way to a destination. Sure the sat nav may say go up this road or a back road, but if I can see it doesn't look right I will ignore it and carry on.

I then let the sat nav recalculate a new route and I carry on perfectly to my destination everytime. Some people think the sat nav is magic and follow it blindly and that's where things get ugly.

Fortunately most people use their brain as well Smile

If I go to a place I have never gone to I will pre plan it on the sat nav and look it up on Google Earth and street view to see what the place looks like, just to make sure the sat nav has got the right destination.

Current using TomTom on the iPhone and so far no problems whatsoever.

Posted by DennisN on Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:05 pm Reply with quote

Radeon12345 Wrote:
I have done 45,000 miles since I have had my car back in 2005 and I have used TomTom, Copilot and iGo.

I have averaged maybe 65,000 miles a year since I got my first TomTom in 2005 and I have no problem trusting it to get me wherever, assisted by my eyes and brain.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by JoolsTwo on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:39 pm Reply with quote

apart from trying to take me down the odd bridleway and a few no-entries I've not had any problems. They problem most of the time is the users not knowing their backside from their elbow, and wouldn't realise whether they were at the correct destination or not. You need your own savvie-nav as well, which many people lack Smile
Porabably the sort of people who would buy 3 low priced items in a shop and not notice when they were several pounds overcharged

TomTom ONE Series 30 (v8) & TMC traffic
App 8.010, UK & ROI Map v860.3126, TT Home

Posted by DigDug on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:49 pm Reply with quote

I have used Tom Tom Navigator 6(windows mobile) and Co-pilot 8(iphone) and would trust the Tom Tom, but think Co-Pilot is brilliant at finding a long route around a short cut Rolling Eyes

Posted by W90BHP on Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:47 am Reply with quote

I think this says more about Manheim's customer base than satnavs. At the risk or stereotyping, it's not a broad cross section of the community that go to car auctions.

To further illustrate my point, you'd be surprised how many people "break down" (due to lack of fuel) on the motorway having just bought a car from the auctions. It takes a particularly bright spark to head onto the motorway with minimum fuel in a car that they're not familiar with. Doh!

The same people often have no recovery arrangements of their own and are therefore faced with a rather large facilitated or statutory removal bill. Double Doh!

LG G4: Android 6 : Viewranger : CoPilot : Waze
TomTom Go 730T : Traffic subscription long expired
Nokia E61 : Nokia GPS : TomTom Navigator 6 : Retired from duty
iPAQ 3970 : Navman Sleeve : CoPilot 4 : Somewhere in the loft

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