Norfolk Votes to Scrap Speed Cameras, Scotland Holds Fast
Article by: robert Date: 26 Sep 2010
This week's speed camera news sees one county, Norfolk voting to do away with its cameras, but one country, Scotland, determined to keep theirs.
EDP24 have reported that Norfolk's environment, transport and development scrutiny panel has voted nine votes to four to switch off its speed cameras.
It's still uncertain whether the recommendation will go through as the Norfolk council's cabinet needs to rubber stamp the decision at its meeting in October.
This could result in Norfolk's 22 fixed speed cameras being switched off and the laying off of all its mobile enforcement vehicles.
Many councils, although they have abandoned the speed camera programme, have not removed their cameras.
This will presumably be down to three reasons: cost of removal, the effectiveness of "dummy" cameras slowing drivers and the possibility of resuming normal service in the future when budgets allow.
Norfolk's vote follows Scotland's decision to continue with its programme. The Scottish Government said it had no plans to stop funding the country’s 500 speed cameras.
Posted by Guivre46 on Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:25 pm |
Aren't we getting a bit canny about this by now? Isn't it becoming a smokescreen for the deployment of more mobile cameras? Now being hidden in shoeboxes, road side vegetation, and other creative camouflage.....
Mike R [aka Wyvern46]
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