New Wide-Range Average Speed Camera System Approved
Article by: maft Date: 29 Apr 2011
 PIPS Technology have now received Home Office Type Approval for their SpeedSpike average speed camera system. This means it can now be used for enforcement and prosecution of speeding offences.
Similar to the competing SPECS 3, SpeedSpike can monitor speeds across a wide area with a network of up to 1000 cameras. They give example uses for enforcing speeds on motorways, urban roads, town centres and school zones.
The product description states:
"PIPS has developed a cost effective distance over time speed enforcement system called SpeedSpike.
SpeedSpike can be used site to site, (any lane to any lane), as a road network solution. The SpeedSpike system consists of a single integral ANPR unit, which is easy to install with minimal urban streetscape impact, and a SpeedSpike server. The SpeedSpike Server is configured with the site-IDs and camera-IDs of the deployed cameras, with the distances between sites and the enforcement speed for the linked sites. The enforcement speed may be independently set as site-A to site-B and site-B to site-A, with each link having a separate enforcement speed if required. Violations are detected between any camera on one site and any camera on another site. SpeedSpike is a cost effective solution, which can provide a complete road network solution for up to 1000 cameras, linked via GPRS (or ADSL), to the SpeedSpike in-station enforcing speeds from 20 – 140mph."
The full press release is available here.
Posted by caravanj on Sun May 01, 2011 8:13 am |
Let's just go back to a man with a red flag walking in front of a car!!!!!
Posted by BigPerk on Sun May 01, 2011 8:27 am |
Quote: | Let's just go back to a man with a red flag walking in front of a car!!!!! | He'd have to be an Olympic++ standard walker if he was going to be detected by this system ...
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by Stand-Offish on Fri May 06, 2011 8:58 am |
SpeedSpike is the most exciting product launch of the last 10 years and it is a fantastic new offering to the traffic technology industry.
Exciting? Depressing more like.
When will this nonsense ever end?
When there is a speed camera on every lamppost?
The real idiots on the road need addressing not the thousands that creep a tiny bit over speed limits. Money-raising masquerading as safety. It stinks.
Just stick to the speed limits boys, and if you all do we'll simply lower them.
Posted by TieJustice on Fri May 06, 2011 12:36 pm |
guess we will ALL have to do the speed limit as it was intended? or you can pay for being stupid and speeding.
Just think if no one was speeding there would be no cameras as there would be no income to be made.
well we will all have to do the speed limit and about time too, there a far to many BAD drivers on the road with out the speeders.
watching today's drivers, what has happened to indicators and lights NO mobiles ???. I bet you on a daily commute to and from work you will see some one on there mobile or can not be bothered to signal there intentions or faulty lights (no brake lights)
This country is far to soft on law breakers, bring in on the spot fines for speeding, lights not working, and mobiles, and if you cant pay impound fees for the car, then sell them off for the police funds.
Posted by M8TJT on Fri May 06, 2011 2:23 pm |
Not to mention d*** heads that drive around with their fog lights on
Edit to corect speelin
Posted by MaFt on Fri May 06, 2011 3:18 pm |
just to play devil's advocate here, perhaps now there are more cameras for speed offences then the police can concentrate on bad drivers using mobiles, making illegal turns etc...?
Posted by BigPerk on Fri May 06, 2011 5:51 pm |
Quote: | Not to mention d*** heads that drive around with their fog lights on | You've said it M8TJT!
What really p****s me off is that there are so many of them driving around without a care in the world - I got pulled up by the police for this when I was driving through repeated pathes of fog, and the one time I decided not to turn them off (because I fully expected, and got, another fogbank shortly after, AND was by then suffering from RSI) ). The occifer simply said 'Well, you're not in fog now' - so correct, and SO unhelpful
I get worked up about all the broken lights as well that TieJustice mentions, that no one in the police seem to care about, as my guilt complex convinces me that if I don't sort mine out straightaway, I'm going to get booked. And my guilty look probably ensures that I would (a bit like the Customs Green Channel )
(Navigon 70 Live, Nuvi 360) |
Posted by andy-c1 on Fri May 06, 2011 5:53 pm |
I say about time they introduced speed cameras around schools ,now hopefully it will catch many more idiots that drive these roads.
As a driver I see many many idiots on the road speeding deliberately.. I learnt the hard way and am now grateful for it
TomTom 5001 |
Posted by sussamb on Fri May 06, 2011 6:05 pm |
And having just been to ANOTHER fatal accident where a man died (after being hit by an idiot who lost control of his car because he was driving too fast) the more speed cameras the better as far as I'm concerned. As said above, if drivers didn't speed we wouldn't need speed cameras 
Where there's a will ... there's a way. |
Posted by M8TJT on Fri May 06, 2011 6:10 pm |
MaFt Wrote: | just to play devil's advocate here, perhaps now there are more cameras for speed offences then the police can concentrate on bad drivers using mobiles, making illegal turns etc...? | Ha Ha.
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