New French Speed Cameras Predicted For UK Roads
Article by: robert Date: 20 Oct 2009
The Daily Mail has reported speculation that the UK authorities may be preparing to introduce "a new breed of hi-tech sneaky speed cameras".
The speed cameras take the form of inconspicuous steel posts, are multi-lane, don't flash and can differentiate between speeding lorries and cars, even in the same lane. On many roads, lorries have a lower limit than cars and have therefore previously been able to evade detection by driving under the overall limit.
The cameras, nicknamed 'Supertraps' were invented in France and are due to be trialled on French roads before, it's predicted, reaching the UK.
The Mail reports French motor magazine, Auto Plus, saying that the French government intends to introduce them within a year with the likelihood of the UK following within months.
Posted by culzean on Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:44 pm |
With so much potential to make money from a 'captive audience' cost seems to be no object with speed cameras.
Will they be obliged by law to publish the positions of these cameras?
How long will it be before EU outlaws GPS speed camera databases because of the loss of speed camera revenue they cause, and if these are safety cameras as they keep claiming, why are they hiding them?
Posted by Robfish1985 on Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:19 pm |
I believe everything I read in the Daily Mail! Seriously though, technology marches on and speed cameras are and will be no exception to this. The authorities will make use of the latest technology and you can't blame them for that, as most of us use it in our everyday lives. The point about "hiding" cameras is taken, but we will have to wait and see on that one since the new cameras in question are not even over here yet.
As for speed camera databases, as far as I'm concerned they serve a very useful purpose. I try to observe the speed limits, but it's all too easy to exceed them and the PGPSW database enables this motorist to be made aware of danger areas and not end up feeling aggrieved at being hit by a fine and points when I try to do my best to be a law-abiding motorist.
Posted by darrengsaw on Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:00 pm |
Robfish1985 Wrote: | I believe everything I read in the Daily Mail! Seriously though, technology marches on and speed cameras are and will be no exception to this. The authorities will make use of the latest technology and you can't blame them for that, as most of us use it in our everyday lives. The point about "hiding" cameras is taken, but we will have to wait and see on that one since the new cameras in question are not even over here yet.
As for speed camera databases, as far as I'm concerned they serve a very useful purpose. I try to observe the speed limits, but it's all too easy to exceed them and the PGPSW database enables this motorist to be made aware of danger areas and not end up feeling aggrieved at being hit by a fine and points when I try to do my best to be a law-abiding motorist.
Len |
Law abiding motorists don't make the treasury as much money so a few more slot machines in the name of safety are precisely whats needed clearly.
When you look at the state of the country's finances it's hardly surprising the motorist will take it up the ***** as usual, we are the easiest targets to raise money for Gormless Brown's obliterated economy.
Would the source be more credible if it came from the Grauniad??
Posted by Border_Collie on Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:34 pm |
I sent the report to a mate in Australia, he came back with the following.
Quote: | Don’t like the speedtrap cameras!! We’re fortunate here that it is LAW to post 3 warning signs “Speed Camera ahead”, 100 metres between each sign and between the last sign and the speed camera (gives 300m to slow down – or check your speedo)! |
Not much chance of slipping up 'down-under' so money saved, plus he mentioned petrol there is $1.18 (66p litre).
I guess we are REALLY lucky in the UK.
Formerly known as Lost_Property
And NO that's NOT me in the Avatar. |
Posted by navver on Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:51 pm |
Why don't they simply stipulate that all new cars must have speed limiters on them activated by sensors at the side of the road. As you pass a 30mph sensor you will be limited to 30 until you pass a faster sensor. Simple.
Get that working and a whole industry of camera makers and operators, and fine issuers etc, would be unneccesary. We would all keep to the speed limits all the time. The hospitals and mortuaries would be empty, insurance premiums would be a few pence, if even needed and the transplant programme would grind to a halt.
Tomtom Go520, App 8.010, Map UK&ROI 810.1870 |
Posted by G1LIW on Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:22 am |
Bit "Big Brother", that, innit?
Roger, G1LIW
Google Pixel 3a XL Android Smartphone | SatNav Sygic for Android | Waze for Android | CamerAlert for Android | Blog http://rogersblant.blogspot.com/ |
Posted by MaFt on Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:04 am |
navver Wrote: | Why don't they simply stipulate that all new cars must have speed limiters on them activated by sensors at the side of the road. As you pass a 30mph sensor you will be limited to 30 until you pass a faster sensor. Simple. |
1) not everyone has a brand new car
2) even if the government paid for retro fitting on all cars then there would be enough people around who could disable it
3) there are times when speeding would be the safer option eg you are almost past a wagon on a dual carriageway who suddenly starts to swerve there are cars behind you. if you slam your brakes on hard enough to allow the wagon to get back past you then you will have a load of cars in your back end; the safest option is to put your foot down a little bit more, maybe going over the speed limit, to get past the wagon safely.
Posted by culzean on Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:00 pm |
The sheer cost of fitting speed control transmitters to every speed limit sign in the UK or burying loops in the road boggles my mind (in some places around where I live the speed limit changes from 60 to 40 back to 60 and then down to 30 within a mile or two).
It would be easier to do it with a GPS based system fitted to the vehicle and put the cost entirely on the buyer of the car (the satellites are already up there and working).
This would be a good idea for police cars as well, but for the far better reason of detecting when they are speeding while not answering a call.
Posted by maxbyte on Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm |
Hi, I have looked at many arguments recently.
I was born in the UK over 50 years ago.
A few points .
we drive on the left...it is the law
our children go to school ...it is the law
we are allowed to vote ...it is the law
if we want to drive we need to be able to read ...it is the law
we have speed limits to protect children and others ...it is the law
Personally I beleive in HIDDEN speed traps (yes traps) the law states a speed limit, KEEP TO IT, and stop the moaning, If you speed and get caught -THEN PAY UP AND SLOW DOWN.
Tony M
Posted by MaFt on Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:30 pm |
maxbyte Wrote: | Personally I beleive in HIDDEN speed traps (yes traps) the law states a speed limit, KEEP TO IT, and stop the moaning, If you speed and get caught -THEN PAY UP AND SLOW DOWN. |
indeed, but isn't it better all around to teach people to stick to the speed limits and to drive more carefully? at £60 fine sent by a machine doesn't achieve this. making roads slower (chicanes, speed bumps), putting offenders on 'safer driving' courses etc would improve road safety although the general consensus seems to be that these cost money rather than make money so aren't usually used - instead speed cameras are put up cos the council makes money from it. when the government stopped feeding the money straight back to the camera partnerships / councils we suddenly had a couple of councils scrapping speed cameras cos they didn't make any money from it then... THAT is why people generally don't like them, NOT because it stops them from speeding.
i agree though, if you speed you should get punished. but driver education has a better affect on driving habits than a £60 fine.
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