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Navigon has always been a leader in the mobile navigation market and there was a concern when Garmin bought the company that the development of the software would be halted. Well fortunately that has not been the case and Navigon had a strong showing at Mobile World Congress this year.
They were showing version 2.1 of the mobile navigation software. Highlights of this version include integration with Google Streetview, Community data input for danger zones, and Active Lane Assist.
The Google Streetview integration allows you to see your destination both as a map or tapping on the map you can see the Streetview image to confirm your destination is correct. This is available in the route planning screens.
Navigon have now added a button for community data input. This allows users to report 'dangerous zones' in France, and Speed Cameras elsewhere. This information is sent up to a central server and the information distributed to other users.
Active Lane Assist provides a rolling 'movie' of the lanes on the road indicating which lane you need to be in.
Navigon also demonstrated the broad support for various devices with systems implemented on Apple, Android, WindowsPhone and Samsung Bada devices. Each system has a UI that integrates perfectly with the underlying operating system making for a seamless and intuitive experience with the application.
In our MWC video Jorn Watzke shows us the different Navigon navigation apps running on the diverse hardware platforms. We also get a glimpse of the Google Streetview integration.
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