NAVTEQ Study Confirms SatNav BoyToy Status
NAVTEQ, a major provider of mapping for navigation systems, reports that females are not as enamoured with their satnavs as their male counterparts.
A much higher proportion of women do not use available features on their satnavs such as POI search and Traffic. NAVTEQ cite this as why the satisfaction they report with their devices is much lower than men.
Based on analysis of six separate studies conducted by NAVTEQ in 2008, there are key differences between male and female attitudes to navigation. Specific highlights from NAVTEQ's proprietary research include:
• Familiarity with navigation among both women and men tops 90%, but unlike their male counterparts who rely more on information from media sources, word of mouth is the main source of awareness for women (41% for women; 26% for men)
• If purchasing a PND, the highest percentage of men buy at consumer electronics stores (34%), while a higher proportion of women buy online (26% of women) or at a grocery (8% of women)
• Women use features such as POI search and Traffic dramatically less than men; 15% of women "never" use POI search (versus 2% of men) and 39% never use Traffic features (versus 10% of men)
• 80% of men state that they are "extremely" or "very" satisfied with their navigation system; only 60% of women make that same statement
Posted by navver on Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:30 pm |
Just shows one of the main differences between men & women. men will learn by playing and exploring, women learn by being shown.
Tomtom Go520, App 8.010, Map UK&ROI 810.1870 |
Posted by nicki999 on Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:05 pm |
of course, but then we all know how much men like playing with their toys!