MotionX-GPS Drive - Now Supports JVC/Pioneer Head Units
Article by: Darren Griffin Date: 25 Jan 2011
This is an interesting and welcome development. MotionX, purveyors of GPS apps for iPhone have updated their US Street Routing app, MotionX-GPS Drive with connectivity support for JVC and Pioneer head units.
When connected to a compatible head unit, the app displays full screen on the larger screen with the iPhone itself acting as a remote control.
MotionX-GPS Drive is an off-board navigation app with maps downloaded over the air as required. These have proved popular in the US which is surprising given the fragmented cellphone networks and the large areas that lack connectivity.
However, overlooking that aspect, the ability to hook up an smartphone directly in this fashion seems like a win-win idea. You have an app you are familiar with and all the benefits of a dash mounted large screen display. With manufacturers such as TomTom integrating their navigation devices into the dash, this route could offer the very best of both worlds.
More information at the MotionX website and MotionX-GPS Drive is available (US Only) in the iTunes Appstore.
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