More Average Speed Cameras On Way
Article by: rob brady Date: 13 Aug 2018
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It seems that every week there's a story about new average speed cameras being introduced. This time it's Lancashire's turn - they have announced that they're introducing new devices to five of their county's roads.
Lancashire County Council have been given £7.9m from a government fund in a bid to improve safety on five routes that have been recognised as dangerous.
County Councillor, Keith Iddon, commented: "Every death and serious injury on our roads is a tragedy for the people involved, and has an awful impact on their friends and family. These schemes should make a big difference by improving safety on those roads."
He added: "We were invited by the Department for Transport to put forward proposals for how best to make these routes safer, and I am very pleased that we have received £7.9m to make these plans a reality."
As well as average speed cameras, one route will also have a red light camera system installed.