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Work began yesterday to install average speed cameras on the A494 in Deeside, Wales. The trunk road links the M56 with the A55.
The previous temporary speed limit of 50mph on the stretch was made permanent last month. The Welsh government say this is to reduce high levels of nitrogen dioxide by up to 10%.
The Minister for Environment commented: "I'm committed to taking action to reduce air pollution in Wales to support a healthier future for our communities and protect our natural environment. Current levels of nitrogen dioxide exceed the legal limit at the five road locations, so we need to act as soon as possible."
She added: "Our initial studies tell us that 50mph speed limits should have the greatest potential to improve air quality at each location. The actions we take to improve air quality in Wales have a key role in supporting the right conditions for better health and well-being."
The installation work should be completed by August 2, but the cameras are not likely to go live for several weeks to allow time for testing.
What isn't clear in these places of high levels of nitrogen dioxide with speed restrictions is will it apply to electric vehicles?
Posted by nekillim on Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:21 am
Good question.
Another 'knee jerk' reaction to a problem!
Could promote having an Electric Car. The technology is there, London Congestion Charge!!
Will they advise the difference between the for and after figures of nitros oxide levels?
Posted by M8TJT on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:25 pm
nekillim Wrote:
Will they advise the difference between the for and after figures of nitros oxide levels?
No, of course they won't. Why would they admit that it makes little or no difference. Just like the 20MPHers won't admit that that makes no difference to KSI or air pollution.
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