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Milwaukee Police Aim To Reduce Pursuits With Aid of GPS Tags

Article by: maft
Date: 6 Aug 2015

Whether or not the police should pursue a vehicle has long been a contentious issue. It's hard to weigh up the risk it puts other drivers in as well as the risk that you are letting a dangerous criminal get away. Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) have fairly strict rules regarding pursuits and receive mixed reports - some say they are helping innocent lives stay safe while others say they are letting criminals get away too easily.

To help with this the MPD are investing in a number of $5,000 StarChase units that will be fitted to their squad cars in the coming weeks. The units, installed behind the grille, use compressed air to fire a 'GPS bullet', guided by laser, onto the suspects vehicle to which it sticks with a strong adhesive. The police force then track their location on a computer instead of engaging in a potentially dangerous pursuit.

Of course, this being America, it brings up privacy and 'constitutional rights' discussions...

What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to join in the discussion in our forums.

Source: Journal Sentinel

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Posted by rkm_hm on Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:28 am Reply with quote

If I were a villain and I knew that the police had fired one of these things at my car but were not in hot pursuit, what's to stop me from stopping in a quiet place and removing it - or sticking it on someone else's parked car?!

TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire

Posted by Kremmen on Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:33 am Reply with quote

Stay in pursuit but at a safer distance so if they did stop to remove it you've got them. It's the blues in the mirror that spooks them.

Viofo A119 V3

Posted by MaFt on Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:49 pm Reply with quote

Yes Kremmen, that's what I was thinking. Basically the GPS lets you keep at a safer distance but if they do stop then you're close to them anyway.

I quite like the idea - it's a good balance between chasing and keeping the public safe.


Posted by druck on Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:26 am Reply with quote

It's only going to encourage criminals to routinely carry GPS jammers, and it doesn't take much to deny GPS to everyone within a large radius on the ground and in the air.

Posted by hoppy68 on Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:11 pm Reply with quote

For a long time I have wondered whether or not it would be possible for Police vehicles, involved in a chase, to use a specially designed Tazer. This could have the effect of totally cutting the electrical system of the pursued Possibly by shorting the fuses.The pursued vehicle would then be brought to a safe stop. Police

Posted by actd on Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:28 pm Reply with quote

hoppy68 Wrote:
For a long time I have wondered whether or not it would be possible for Police vehicles, involved in a chase, to use a specially designed Tazer. This could have the effect of totally cutting the electrical system of the pursued Possibly by shorting the fuses.The pursued vehicle would then be brought to a safe stop. Police

That might be an issue if it hits the fuel tank Burn In Hell

I like this idea of the GPS bullet - can we have it in the UK please? The only issues I see are that
1. the police would have to fire it under chase conditions as they don't know if a car is going to flee until they ask it to pull over (unless it's stolen, in which case it's a reasonable certainty)
2. Having fired the bullet and then pulled back, the occupants of the car are free to dump any incriminating evidence out of the windows out of sight of the police.

Posted by grd2 on Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:45 am Reply with quote

hoppy68 Wrote:
For a long time I have wondered whether or not it would be possible for Police vehicles, involved in a chase, to use a specially designed Tazer. This could have the effect of totally cutting the electrical system of the pursued Possibly by shorting the fuses.The pursued vehicle would then be brought to a safe stop. Police

Faraday's cage......

Posted by rkm_hm on Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:06 am Reply with quote

grd2 Wrote:
hoppy68 Wrote:
For a long time I have wondered whether or not it would be possible for Police vehicles, involved in a chase, to use a specially designed Tazer. This could have the effect of totally cutting the electrical system of the pursued Possibly by shorting the fuses.The pursued vehicle would then be brought to a safe stop. Police

Faraday's cage......

I'm not sure how you'd erect that around the vehicle being pursued.

If you can get close enough to fire a GPS device at the vehicle, then surely you could fire some sort of grapple hook which tied the fleeing vehicle to the police car? You could certainly shoot the tyres out - which has been the traditional approach.

TomTom via135

Satmap Active 10+ v1.50 with full UK 1:50k map and 1:25k/1:10k County maps of Hampshire & Warwickshire

Posted by M8TJT on Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:23 am Reply with quote

I'm not sure how you'd erect that around the vehicle being pursued
The vehicle itself is a Faraday's cage.

Posted by DennisN on Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:27 am Reply with quote

M8TJT Wrote:
The vehicle itself is a Faraday's cage.

Yes, it's a conservation initiative - wild Faradays are on the brink of extinction, so they are being bred in captivity, hopefully with a view to releasing them into the wild at some point in the future.


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

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